Chapter one

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(Picture of Quinn above)

Quinn's p.o.v.

I sigh as my mom pulls up in front of Glenbrook high school " Alright dear try and have a good day?" I look at her " Mom It's detention not school " She nods " I know honey but still try and have a good day ok? I'll be here when you get done " I smile at her " Thanks mom " I kiss her cheek and get out of the Truck " oh and Honey me and your father aren't mad at you for getting detention, we know you didn't do anything wrong " I smile at her " Thanks mom " I close the Truck door and wave goodbye to her as she drives off. I pull the strap of my backpack up on my shoulder and make my way up the stairs. On my way up the stairs I get shoulder checked by Andrew " Hey!" I shout at him. He looks over his shoulder at me but doesn't say anything and runs into the school.

I shake my head and look down the sidewalk, seeing a figure in a jean jacket, plaid shirt with a white shirt under it, black jeans and combat boots " Oh no" I mumble when I realize the figure is John Bender " This detention should be fun and interesting". I walk into the school and make my way to the library. I open the library doors and sigh when I see who's all in detention ' Claire, Brian, Andrew, Allison, Bender and me' I think to myself as I make my way to the table Brian is sitting at. I sit down in the chair next to him and place my backpack on the ground next to my chair.

Brian turns and smiles at me but before he can say anything to me Bender walks over to him " Your in my seat, move it " Brian quickly gathers his things and moves to the table infront of me. Bender sits down and looks at me "your in my seat too kitten" I raise an eyebrow at him " Excuse me?" " did I stutter? I said your in my seat kitten " I shake my head at him " well tough shit I'm not moving for you to be able to put your feet up " I say and cross my arms over my chest. Bender chuckles " Fisty me likey" I roll my eyes at him and look at the library door when it opens.

Vernon walks in and looks at all of us "Well, well. Here we are. I want to congratulate you for being on time."
Claire raises her hand " Excuse me, sir. I think there's been a mistake. I know it's detention but I don't think I belong in here." She says but Vernon ignores her and continues with his speech " It is now 7:06. You have exactly 8 hours and 54 minutes to think about WHY you are here - to ponder the error of your ways. You will not talk... You will not move from these seats."

Vernon looks at Bender whose head is on his arms " And YOU... will not sleep." He says and smacks the table making me and Bender jump. Vernon walks back to the front of the library " All right people, we're going to try something a little different today. We are going to write an essay of no less than a thousand words describing to me who you think you are." He says handing out pencils and paper Bender looks at him " Is this a test?" He asks in a smart-ass tone vernon ignores his smart-ass tone "And when I say 'essay', I mean 'essay'. I do not mean a single word repeated a thousand times. Is that clear, Mr. Bender?" Vernon asks, Bender nods " Crystal." " Good. Maybe you'll learn a little something about yourself. You might even decide whether or not you'd care to return."

Brian raises his hand and stands up " Uh, you know, I can answer that right now, sir. That'd be no... No from me, 'cause..." Vernon looks at him " Sit down, Johnson." " Thank you, sir." Brian says and sits down. Vernon looks at all of us again " My office is right across that hall. Any monkey business is ill-advised. Any questions?" "Yeah, I got a question. Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?" Bender asks and Vernon glares at him " You'll get the answer to that question, Mr. Bender, next Saturday. Don't mess with the bull, young man - you'll get the horns." Vernon says before he turns on his heels and walks out of the library, the door closing behind his slowly.

Bender looks at me "That man... is a brownie hound." I roll my eyes and snicker at what he said " you just like pushing his buttons don't you?" Bender chuckles " yes It's fun " I sigh and get up and walk to the fantasy section in the back of the library. I scan the books for a while and sigh when none of them peak my intrest " Damn" I mumble and lean aginst the brick wall behind me. I close my eyes and let my mind wonder, I jump when im ripped from my thoughts by the sound of hands slapping the brick wall on either sides of my head. I open my eyes only for them to land on the white T-shirt covered chest infront of me, i bite my bottom lip when I relize it belongs to none other then John Bender.

I look up at him, his 5'10" frame towering over my 5'5" frame " w-what do you want Bender?" I ask looking for a way to get away from him but sigh when I don't find one with his hands on either side of my head and my back pressed against the brick wall behind me " I want to play a game with you" he smirks " actually its more of a challange then it is a game" I look up at him " not gonna happen Bender" he chuckles " aw come one sweetheart It's just a harmless little challenge" I sigh and cross my arms over my chest causing my DD breasts to be pushed up exposing more of my cleavage. " Fine whats the challenge?" he smirks " thats more like it!"

Bender steps back and smirks " the challenge is simple me and you write down what turns us on on a piece of paper and take turns choosing one of the other persons turn ons to use against them while we sit in detention, the goal of this challenge is to make the other person moan in the middle of detention and the first person to moan is the loser and the winner gets to write property of with their name on any part of the loser's body that they choose with this"

Bender pulls a sharpie out of his back pocket. I sigh "and what if neither one of us lose?" Bender smirks " Trust me sweetheart one of us will lose" he leans in and whispers in my ear making my breath hitch in my throat " I'm extremely talented with my fingers, tongue and cock, I'll have you moaning my name in no time" he kisses my jaw before he turns on his heel and practically struts away leaving me a blushing flustered mess with soaking wet panties 'well shit, I'm definitely gonna lose this challenge'

Word count:1134

The challenge (A Breakfast Club Story)  Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant