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𝙔/𝙉 𝙎𝙏𝘼𝙍𝙀𝘿 𝘽𝙇𝘼𝙉𝙆𝙇𝙔 at the test paper in her hands

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𝙔/𝙉 𝙎𝙏𝘼𝙍𝙀𝘿 𝘽𝙇𝘼𝙉𝙆𝙇𝙔 at the test paper in her hands.

on the inside, however, she was screaming. squealing. whatever. just then, kaminari approached her.

"hey babe, i got an F!" he placed a hand on her shoulder from behind, leaning his head in front. 

"i got an F too!" she exclaimed, holding a hand out for a high-five.

sero, kirishima and the rest of the bakusquad looked at them, shaking their heads in disapproval. the both of them only gave a cheeky smile.

"hey," y/n's voice lowered to a whisper. "you didn't actually get an F, right?"

"nope," he whispered back, showing her the grade on his paper. "i got a C."

"me too!" y/n smiled, showing him hers.

"oh," sero said from behind, and the two of them turned abruptly to see almost the whole class behind them. "you liars," a smile crept up his face.

"so," mina began, "since kaminari and y/n scored pretty well for the exam, i've decided to throw a party! everyone must come. it's tonight, meet at the common area. bring snacks if you have any!"

"ooh!" uraraka clapped her hands together. "will there be games?"

"yes," mina grinned evilly.

"she's planning something, isn't she?" kaminari whispered into y/n's ear.

"i bet," y/n whispered back.

"anyway, see you guys later!" mina got up, waving. "i'm going out now."

y/n strolled into the common room, kaminari following after. he stared at their intertwined hands, blush creeping onto his face while a soft smile spread across his face.

inside, the lights were flashing red and green and blue, changing color every time a second ticked by. uraraka and midoriya were talking about something while eating snacks, while bakugou was sulking in a corner with kirishima trying to get him to play a game.

"hey," mina greeted them in the front. "come join the game," she ordered, pulling y/n along. "ochako! deku! come here too!"

they walked further in to see everyone in a circle, a bottle in the middle. y/n immediately recognised the game: spin the bottle.

unwillingly, the two of them sat in the circle. "alright," mina decided, "i'll spin first to start off!"

the bottle began turning rapidly, slowing to stop at midoriya. his face turned pink. "u-uh, mina—"

mina placed a kiss on his cheek, smiling. "it's okay," she mouthed to him, turning to glance at uraraka.

after a few more rounds, it was y/n's turn. she looked around, spinning the bottle. it stopped at todoroki, who was seated beside mina.

"does this mean we need to kiss?" he asked.

"yup," y/n said, scooting over and tilting his chin up with her index finger. she leaned forward in an aggravatingly slow pace.

right when their lips were centimetres away, they got forced apart and kaminari placed his lips on y/n's, pulling her into a kiss. y/n smiled, kissing back.

jirou had her hand over her mouth, watching the whole scene play out. mina was on her phone, all the time recording the whole thing.

when they broke apart, kaminari had a dark look on his face. "don't do that," he said.

"i wasn't planning to kiss him at all," she laughed. "i'm not that disloyal."

kaminari pouted, going back to his seat. he pulled y/n onto his lap, resting his chin on her shoulder while his arms wrapped around her.

bakugou cringed. "stop with the pda."

a/n get ready for sadness 😆

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