Chapter 1: Prince Xiao Zhan

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Fairytopia the home of the fairies, it is ruled by the king Xiao Jian Min and queen Xiao Yu.

The fairytopia was a peaceful world until Xiao Jian Min's brother who wants to be a king formed another kingdom. They are called the dark fairies.

One day the queen give birth to a child everyone was happy until a prophecy comes out from the child. He was the most powerful fairy in the whole fairytopia and the one who will bring back the old peace in fairytopia.

Xiao Jian Min's brother Xiao Jin also heard the news and targeted the life of the little prince. But before he could harm the prince the queen become aware of what he is planning.

The queen talk to the king and told him what he had found out, that the prince's life is in danger. The queen and king decided to seal the power and fairy self of the prince and hide him in the human world with their trusted friend Jiang Yanli who is a hybrid.

The queen named the prince Xiao Zhan and made a promise that when the prince turned 24 his powers and fairy self will awaken and he can come back to the fairytopia when that day comes.

The king and queen sent 4 young fairies to be the prince secret guard. They were Wang Zhuocheng who is 16 years old, Song Jiyang who is 17 years old, Guo Cheng who is 14 years old, and Li Bowen who is 18 years old.

The queen also hide Jiang yanli's fairy self but let her memories remain so that the dark fairies will not find them. They didn't let the whole fairytopia know that they will hide the prince and told them that he was missing for his safety.

Jiang Yanli arrived at the human world with his husband Cao Yu Chen and the prince Xiao Zhan. They treat him like their own child and give him their first priority.

Jiang Yanli with his husband and the prince decided to live in a small village.

Xiao Zhan live as a human and not aware of his fairy powers. Now he is 15 years old and has a friends who is at the same age as him and also not aware of him being the prince of fairies. He grow up with a carefree and childish personality.

Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo, Wang Haoxuan, Wang Haikuan, Ji Li, and Meng Ziyi are inseperable friends. The six of them like Xiao Zhan is living in the small village with Xiao Zhan and his friends since they were babies except Wang Haikuan who is 7 years older than them and Wang Haoxuan who is 5 Years older than them.

They are the most handsome and beautiful teenagers in their village so they are called the flowers.

Whenever one of them has a problem all of them will comfort him/her. So many girls and boys were fangirling and fanboying to them. They were the most popular in their schools since they were children's.

The six of them were inseperable, possessive and overprotective of each other. They all love each other and they were like brothers and sisters.

They are all loved and cared in their village since all of them were orphans except Xiao Zhan.


" Zhan Zhan wakie wakie!!!!". Yibo shouted while jumping on Zhan's bed.

" Bobo stop jumping and let me sleep". Zhan said.

" Come on Zhan you promised that we will go to the city today". Ji Li said.

" That's right Zhan Zhan so wake up". Yibo said and shook Zhan's shoulder.

" Ughh, fine I will wake up now so please stop shaking me Bobo". Zhan said.

" Yahoo!!!!". Yibo shouted and jump from Zhan's bed to the floor.

" Sorry Zhan these friends of ours were so annoying". Ziyi said.

" Who is annoying?!". Yibo and Ji Like shouted.

" You!!". Ziyi shouted while pointing at Yibo and Ji Li who is now pouting.

Yibo and Ji Li smirk evilly that made Ziyi shiver.

" Oh really Ziyi since you said we are ANNOYING then let us show you how annoying we really are". Yibo said.

Yibo suddenly snatch ziyi's phone and made a text to all of ziyi's contacts, while Ji Li was blocking Ziyi on interrupting Yibo. After Yibo made the text and sent it he gave Ziyi her phone and stick out his toungue.

Yibo texted, I Love you, but you are stupid, and send it to all ziyi's contacts.

Haikuan, Haoxuan, and Zhan laugh at ziyi's reaction and at Yibo and Ji Li's plan to annoy Ziyi.

Ziyi made an fake angry expressions but later on laugh with her friends. Zhan's room was now filled with crazy laughter's.

Jiang Yanli who saw the childish behaviours of the six teenagers just shook her head and slightly giggle. When her husband Cao Yu Chen saw it he just shook his head and sigh.

" When will they grow up". Yu Chen mumbled.

" Don't know, but it's fine it make them more cute". Yanli said.

Minutes later Zhan and his friends come down and eat their breakfast ( Zhan's friends usually eat breakfast with Zhan since they love yanli's cooking) while teasing each other. After finishing their breakfast they went out and ride yibo's car and they went to the city.


" They are going out let's follow them quickly". Zhuocheng said.

" Protect the prince that is our mission". Lin Bowen, Song Jiyang, and Guo Cheng said in unison.

The four of them followed Zhan and his friends.

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