"I am looking for John Atkins" Dahlia said.

"Let me get him, please wait." The person said.

Mira noticed her nametag and it read "Felia".

"Sure." They said.

"Those are my paintings." Dahlia whispered to Mira.

"Seriously?" Mira asked in confusion.

"Yes, I will obviously recognize my artwork."

"So, maybe he is not as bad as you think."

"We'll see that" Dahlia sighed.

The man finally arrived and instantly his eyes lit up, Mira smiled a bit. The man was clearly joyous to see his daughter, Mira thought.

"Dahlia" He said, his voice was heavy and his eyes were glistening.

At this time, Mira thought now she'd travel back to her actual world but she didn't, what can be the reason, why can't she still travel back, she thought. She wants to go back to her real world, in the comfort of her home but nothing that sort happened. Rather, Dahlia's father continued.

"Let's sit, shall we?" John said.

They all started talking and lost the track of time. Her dad was a humble man but he had to leave as her mother and him used to get into fights, at times when her father got frustrated. He wanted to achieve his dreams and study baking and open his own bakery but he couldn't do that there and hence, one day her mother and him, they decided to go pursue their own dreams and hence, he came here.

It was a long talk of how he couldn't visit her often as he was studying and everything and finally, he stopped visiting altogether.

He did keep taking information from her mother of how she was and her wellbeing but he didn't want to visit again and intrude a family who were already happy.

"So, you buy my paintings, I see" Dahlia said after digesting everything.

"Yes, they are amazing and they perfectly match my ambiance." He said with a smile.

"I have an idea, if you girls don't mind." He said.

"Please go ahead." Mira said and Dahlia nodded.

"Why don't you two stay here for some weeks and help me bake, then we can all bond together and have some fun by going out in the evenings too?" He asked.

That feeling was back again inside Mira, the weird feeling in her chest.

"But..." Dahlia said and looked at Mira.

Mira was in her kitchen baking when she got a call from her brother's friend. He was at the hospital.

He got into an accident while he was rescuing someone from a building, Jake was a firefighter and Mira knew it was a worrisome job but she never thought that she'd have to let go of her brother that soon. She just turned eighteen and couple of weeks back and they celebrated massively. She just couldn't believe what happened and since then her entire life changed, she had to work and study both to get going and she slowly and completely forgot about baking. Later, whenever someone asked her to bake or even have baked goods, she refused. She couldn't bear the idea of her baking anymore.

The silence fell over as Mira was lost in her own thoughts.

"Okay, I won't pressurize you girls, check the city out and then you can decide if you want to stay or not, maybe?" He said.

John had a faith in his voice that Mira observed and she didn't want to ruin the only chance of Dahlia bonding with her father.

So, when they both came back from their little tour of the city to the bakery, Mira was ready with an answer.

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