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     Freddie Mercury, the boy next door to Roxanne's apartment, quickly heard of the girl's expulsion and immediately came knocking on her door.
   His fist hit the door repeatedly in an excited manner. As he waited in anticipation he clicked his heel against the concrete quickly. Soon enough, the door swung open revealing an old woman in a nightgown looking up at the boy with a crooked smile.
"WELL HIYA FELLA." the old woman screeched, seemingly hard of hearing.
"Is she here?" he asked.
"Course she is."
They stood in an awkward silence, grandma Argo unmoving from her place in the doorway. Freddie cleared his throat.
"WELL JESUS FACKING CHRIST BOY HURRY IN." and boy did he scurry in heading straight for the infamous Roxanne's door.
*                                              *                                          *
"Oh my god did you really get expelled?" Freddie inquired.
"Okay yes but hear me out-" Roxanne started quickly. Freddie only raised an eyebrow an crossed his arms.
"... okay maybe i don't have any excuse- but i regret nothing!" she exclaimed scratching her head. Freddie, her best friend, looked at her disappointment evidence on his face.
"Look Roxy, I know shits hard okay? but you can't keep pulling these stunts." he scolded. Roxy rolled her eyes. Roxanne Greens was a trouble maker and that's all there was to it, she was good kid with a horrid attitude. Her and Freddie sat in silence. They did it often, they just liked to... exist.
"... so you're gonna come to MY school right?" asked Freddie picking up a record. Roxy nodded, drawing a smiley face on her ankle with pen.
"Perfect! Now ready yourself up dearest moron, we're going to a beach party."
"When did this happen?" she asked.
"Just now loser." she threw an empty coke can at the guy, hitting him in the shoulder. As much as Roxy hated to admit it, it sounded fun, and wasn't opposed to going. After a moment, she nodded and pushed the boy out of her room, shouting to him that she'd be outside in a few moments.
She searched around for some clean clothes and eventually created herself something nice and dandy. She wore her one piece swimming garment underneath a pair of blue jeans and a white tank top.

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She munched on a half-a twizzler as she grabbed a few one dollar bills off of her nightstand and shoved them into her back pocket

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She munched on a half-a twizzler as she grabbed a few one dollar bills off of her nightstand and shoved them into her back pocket.
Roxanne hurried out the door quickly and jogged outside to where Freddie was waiting impatiently. The boy greeted her and soon, Roxanne noticed a tan boy standing next to her friend, looking at her curiously. She looked the boy up and down then glanced at Freddie expectantly.
" OH- uh Roxy this is Daniel LaRusso, he's the new guy in apartment 20. Daniel this is Roxy, apartment 13." he explained as they all began to walk towards the beach. Daniel and Roxy nodded to each other in a friendly manner.
"Say Daniel where ya from?" she asked kindly.
"oh me- i'm from Newark New Jersey, real cool place ya know?"
"Ya don't say..." she mumbled.
"Personally, i'm from Wisconsin. Super super cold there though, not really anything cool." she explained. Daniel nodded, taking in the girls features. Really, Roxanne Greens was quite pretty. She had wavy hair, styled with layers and curtain bangs. And she has so many freckles they'd be impossible to count, but that's okay, they didn't need to be counted.
They walked in a constant chatter with each other, every once in a while cracking a joke or two. And eventually, they all arrived at the beach. Roxanne looked
around and eventually spotted her friends, well her female friends, sitting on a dainty pink towel together chatting. She quickly waved goodbye to the boys whom bid her goodbye with light smiles and made her way over the girls.
"Well hey there ladies." she greeted smiling. Barbara, one of the girls, gasped in excitement.
"Roxanne! Where have you been girl? It's been so long!" she yelled. Roxanne giggled straighten out her towel.
"I've been here and there, ya know? I got expelled recently though, so, good news i'm transferring to West Valley!" she said adding jazz hands for extra effect. The girls on the blanket shook their heads, now used to the girls antics.
"You've really gotta knock that off Roxanne, how will that look on your record?" worried Ali.
"Aw cmon, i'll be fine guys, i'll always find a way out." she smiled. The girls laughed and sighed, accepting her answer.
Eventually all the girls fell into a rhythm of talking and chatting away. At some point they ended up play volleyball and swimming a bit, all splashing each other softly and diving off some rocks. All was well, and Ali and Daniel even got to talking, which made all the ladies tease her and encourage the interaction.
All was well, until the loud roar of engines was heard from above the beach. A group of boys pulled up in red leather jackets, cocky smirks adorning their faces. Roxannes eyes travelled to Ali, whose eyes had also found Roxy. They not made a face at each other and made their ways to each other.
"Might as well just throw me off a bridge now.." Ali mumbled.
"Damn straight." Roxy replied quietly. They watched as the motorcycle guys made their way towards the girls.
Bad news was on the move, and it wouldn't end well.

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