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My eyes open, *cough damn, what the.... am I flying or falling. A thick cloud of *cough... something surrounds me. It clears and SHIT i"m definitely falling. I see the ground. I'm fucking dead. Theirs no way I'm going to survive this. I don't want to di..... *bam.

I'm coming in and out of consciousness. I hear a faint voice "oh my, come here, your going to be okay."

What's happening to me. I can't feel my body. Who is this guy. How am I still alive. Everything's dark, I can't move. Why can't I see.

The voice is louder "don't worry, you won't die."

I'm dazed and i have no clue of what's happening. I ask this man "what's going on"

"Well you fell and your dead."

What the hell does he mean I'm dead "I'm dead??, you said I wasn't going to die"

I hear him sigh. "Your are dead and you won't die because your in...hell."

NO PLEASE NO, "this is some kind of sick joke right?"

"I'm so sorry but no."

He's lying, maybe I'm dreaming that's the only good explanation. I mean hell isn't real. There is no such thing as God. "Why can't I see or feel."

"Oh about that, get ready for the most excruciating pain you've ever felt"

Huh. "Why?"

"Well you can't die in hell and no matter the injury it will always heal."

I'm so confused. "Even if that was true why can't I see or move?"

He thinks a moment. "Oh yeah that... well I'm guessing your spinal cords out of place."

Fuck this bullshit. I'm sleeping in my bed right. Yea this a dream.

The man asks, "so what's you name?"

This guy is asking my fucking name, ahh shit why not. "Call me grey."

"That's a really cute nam..."

"AAHHHHH FUCKING SON OF A WHORE!!" Every bone, fiber, and muscle in my body snaps, clicks, pops, and rips, back into place.

The guy comes up next to me. "It's okay I'm here for you."

In an instant the pain goes away. I can see and feel again, but my vision is still blurry. The ground beneath me is course like dirt. The air is dry.

The temperature is... warm? "If I'm really in hell then why isn't it hot."

He laughs. "Their is A LOT of misconceptions about hell"

My eyes finally adjust."holy shit! your not human."

He looks like a demon but not like the pictures . He has a head full of hair. His body is completely naked. He has bright red eyes. He has a really fit body. His skin is red just like I thought It would be. He has a... tail. His ummmm... demonhood is very good size. He is actually very good looking.

He looks down. "Yea I know."

I put my hand on my concussed head. "Sorry and WOW you are actually hot."

He looks back up and smiles. "Thank you."

Well, I feel a lot better now that I can see and feel again. "Oh my ..."
"Wait can't I say ..."

He plops on the ground beside me and spells it out. "G O D Yea, thats not allowed here."

Shit I guess I'm really in hell. I look around, there is a cloud cover? about 500 feet above us. The terrain around me is rocky and redish brown almost purple, some rocks tower above the clouds. It's a really errrie place. It's very silent but if you listen hard enough you can faint screams way off in the distance.

Very small cracks in the ground reveal I think lava. Hell is a lot more open than I thought it would be. Some places are very open, some are filled with mountains and hills. The lighting in this place is weird, I feel like I shouldn't be able to see anything, but I can see everything perfectly. There is no real light source but nevertheless everything is still lit up.

I feel so isolated in this place. Their is no plant life just rock and almost purple dirt.

I turn to the demon. "Well i have all of eternity, so tell me about yourself."

He turns to me and thinks for a moment. "Okay I'm a inncubus..."

I immediately interrupt him "wait if your a inncubus does that mean your going to force me to have sex with you?"

He laughs. "no no no, I would never" "not all demons are bad." "most demons just want to get to know you." "as you can see there's not much to do here." "Now if this was 1000 years ago demons would be doing unspeakable things to you but I guess everybody just got bored."

I fell I giant sense of relief but I'm curious about the demons. "what kind of unspeakable things did they do."

His eyes open wide. "I'm only 150 years old but I heard rumors that they ripped people apart and made bets on who would grow back the fastest."

That sent chills down my back. "At least your a good one."

He looks at me with a frown. "We have rules down here and never forget these okay PROMISE ME."

I smile and put my hands up. "Okay okay I promise."

He grabs my arm. "look at me so I know your listening."

I look him in his red eyes and he starts to tell me. "Okay rule #1 never talk about Jesus."

Now I'm curious. "Why can't I talk about jes...?"

He slaps me across the face. "Anytime a human says the world Jesus, it will attract every hellhound around..." "And they are a bunch of little annoying assholes."

I laugh and rub my face. "okay I wont."

"Rule #2 never say yes to a succubus." "They need permission to fuck you and if you give it to them they will fuck you for years"

"Rule #3 never sign a paper from a demon." "there is no telling what's on one of them contracts so don't do it."

"Rule #4 stay by my side, and another demon can't claim you."

"That's the rules any questions."

"Wow ummm no, actually yes, what's your name?"

He nods. "Fin'lo."

I laugh. "I will just call you Fin."

Fin looks happy about the name. "I love that."

I ask another question. "What exactly is a inncubus supposed to do?"

He smiles. "To put it in simple terms, we have sex with people. Not other female demons though that is strictly forbidden." "It's makes a hybrid demon baby that never ages so that why we don't do it."

I need to know. "Then how are other demons made?"

"It's simple we start out as a empty soul, and that soul fills with hell energy, every 100 years."

Okay that's enough hell history for me. "What do you all day or night... or... you know what I mean."

He shrugs his shoulders. "walk, and talk with other demons mostly."

"What about people?"

He puts his head down "most people run the opposite direction after I come to them so that's not ever an option."

I smile and put my hand on his arm. "I didn't."

He looks up and smiles back at me. "No you didnt."

I'm sexually attracted to a... demon. I just get lost in those red  eyes. I mean I could have sex with this guy...NO. no I shouldn't do that, but why not right? What's the worst that could happen.

Fuck it

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