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(This takes place when Meredith was unconscious in the last chapter.)

Meredith felt herself fall the floor, darkness taken over her. She opened her eyes and was in this huge building and everything was white, also very bright. She started to walk around, she then realized everything was shaped like Seattle Grace. She walked to an OR galley and sat down in one of the seats.

"Hand me the reactor" She heard her mother's voice say

Meredith immediately looked down and sw her mother was a doing a surgery. She was very confused. Her mother was dead, does that mean she is dead right now? She started to freak out, she wanted Derek! That's when Meredith's mother, Ellis, looked up and saw her daughter sitting in the gallery.

"Meredith! Come down here and scrub in! I am doing a bowel obstruction right now." Ellis said looking up at Meredith

"Ok?" Meredith said, still very confused with what was happening

Meredith walked down into the scrub room and scrubbed in. She entered the OR and stood by her mother's side, just to watch.

"Here, hold this." Ellis said handing Meredith a retractor

"Mom, am I dead?" Meredith said thinking it would be easier just to get straight to the point

"No, I don't think so. They are just working on you. Although, one mistake and I guess you could be dead." Ellis said still focused on the surgery in front of her.

"Oh, ok then." Meredith said, still not understanding what was happening

"You know, I have been with you everyday, I am proud of you Meredith. You have become a fine young lady. Trust me, once I saw what that radiology guy was doing to you, I made sure he got some krama. What you didn't see is that once he ran he fell down stairs and broke both of his legs."

All Meredith could do was laugh, she did think that was kinda funny although she wished he broke both his legs, both arms, all his fingers, all his toes, and maybe his neck too.

"You should look through my journals, I have an unfinished trail I started, you could finish it." Ellis responded briefly looking up at her.

Now Meredith was really confused, her mom asking her to finish her work?! Ellis seemed way to nice right now.

"Um, ok. What was the trail about?" 

"Curing diabetes." Ellis responded quickly

"How? Why?" Meredith asked confused. As far as she knew none of her mother's friends or family had diabetes. She wanted to know why her mother took a special interest in it.

"Just read the journals Meredith." Ellis responded

Just then the monitors went off as the patient flatlined, Meredith looked at her mother who then backed away from the table.

"MOM! What are you doing! Their coding!" She yelled at her mom

"I know, show me what you got. I want to see what you have learned." Ellis said calmly

Meredith sighed, this was so like her mother. She took her mom places in front of the patient, she assumed there was a bleeder somewhere, She dug around and found it almost immediately, she looked up at the monitors as the heartbeat returned.

"Ahh Meredith, I am so proud. You can finish the rest. I will be in my office, come find me when you are done." Ellis said

Meredith turned to ask where her office was but she was already gone, so was the OR staff and the patient on the table. Meredith walked back to the scrub room and scrubbed out. SHe then started to wander the halls of the hospital. After a couple minutes she went to the ER, she went over to the trauma rooms and saw her body lying there. Addison then started speaking, MEredith listened

"She spied on me!? Wow, she went lower then I thought she could." She spoke out loud

"Get her Derek!" She yelled when she saw Derek snap at her 

Meredith decided to go back to looking for her mom. She decided to go up to the chief's office, there she was, sitting at the desk.

"Ah Meredith good to see you." Ellis said looking up from the stack of paperwork

Meredith took a seat at the front of the desk.

"So, Meredith, do you really love this Derek guy." Ellis said

Meredith was stunned, her mother rarely asked about her personal life. "Yeah, I really do. He stuck with me, he did what he had to do to get me help when I was too stubborn to see what I was doing to myself. He makes me feel safe and loved. I have never seen someone look at me like the way he does." Meredith said looking at her mother.

"I agree, he's the one Meredith. Don't let him get away." Ellis said looking at her watch then she got up to hug Meredith, "It's time for you to go back, be extraordinary Meredith."

Meredith then felt all groggy, before she could say something back to mother darkness overcame her again.

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