Help please

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Derek was in CT viewing room when he got a page from Meredith. It said "Help, tunnels." Derek was confused, what were the tunnels. He got up and left the room to hopefully find Cristina. Once he reached the nurses station, he asked one of them to page her here. After waiting a bit, Cristina arrived with 3 charts in her hands. 

"Derek you better not have another chart to fill out, I have way to many charts to fill out right now." Cristina said looking at him with a desperate face

"Hahaha, no I don't. I do all my own charts if I can. Anyways, what are the tunnels? I got paged there by Meredith but I don't know what they are." 

"Oh we call the basement, the tunnels." Cristina said

"Ok thank you!" Derek said walking away

Cristina wondered why Meredith would need Derek in the tunnels but shrugged it of and went to sit down to start on her charts. 

Derek walked to the basement, or the tunnels as he learned to call it and found Meredith on the floor, passed out 

"Meredith!" Derek yelled as he ran over to her side

He picked her up bridal style and ran back to staircase, since there no time to wait for an elevator. He ran into the ER. 

"Hunt I need to help over here! It's Meredith! She is unconscious!" Derek yelled as he ran into a trauma room

"Page cardio!" Hunt yelled as he followed Derek into the room

Derek laid Meredith down on the bed and cut the middle of her scrubs so they could attach a heart monitor. 

"Her pulse is extremely low." Hunt said

As he said that, Teddy walked into the room. She saw is was Meredith and stood in shock. Finally she zoned back in when she saw her pulse. 

"That is extremely low, some get an EKG machine in here!" Teddy said 

Someone brought in the EKG machine so the attached it to her and let it run.
"Derek do you know what happened?" Hunt asked

"No, I don't. She paged me to the basement and when I got there she was laying on the floor." Derek said holding Meredith's head, softly stroking her hair

"Do you know how long she was out?" Teddy asked breaking the silence

"Well, when she pages me, it said tunnels and didn't know what or where that was. So I had to page Cristina and about 4 minutes later she came. Someone had given her 3 charts so that why it took that long. Anyway, she was probably out for a good 7 minutes or so." Derek said as a tear escapes his eye

"Is she on any medications?" Hunt asked, but before he could answer Addison ran into the room. 

"I know why she passed out!" Addison said with confidence

"Why?" Derek said looking up at her with desperate eyes

"She's on drugs! She probably OD!" Addison said with a smile, "Look check her pockets, you will see a pill bottle."

Hunt reached down to Meredith's lab coat that had been thrown on the floor. He reached into the left pocket and pulled out a pill bottle. 

"See drugs!" Addison said

Derek looked at her anger and wondered how she could be this stupid, she was here when she got attacked right? She did know what PTSD and anxiety was?

"Are you kidding me Addison! Do you not remember what happened no to long ago? She was attacked! Those are her anxiety Meds!" Screamed Derek

"Get out! Get out Addison!" Derek yelled, followed by Hunt pushing her out of the room. 

"Derek! I know why she passed out for real this time! Look at the warnings on the bottle." Hunt said 

Derek took the bottle and looked, sure enough. One of the warnings was slow pulse. It wouldn't have been a problem but Meredith was also on other Meds which combined with this, made her pulse so slow, she passed out. Teddy glanced at the EKG just to make sure it was right and she wasn't having a heart attack. 

"She's not having a heart attack so I think we are good. I want to get a chest x-ray just to be sure." Teddy said as she put in an IV to give Meredith some adrenaline to get her heart rate up.
Derek put a hospital gown on her as Hunt and Teddy left the room to go get a room ready. Derek then unlocked the gurney to get her a chest x-ray. Even though this wasn't a Neuro patient, he refused any help. He wanted to make sure this was done right. 

After awhile of waiting in the line for the x-ray, Derek took her up to her room, Meredith still unconscious. When he got there, Teddy was already in there and told Derek her x-ray was clean and should be waking up soon. 

Derek paged Cristina because he felt Meredith would want her here. 

"I'm here! What the heck happened!" Cristina said running into the room and picking up Meredith chart from the end of her bed. Derek explained what happened as Cristina followed along reading her chart. 

"Addison accused her of using drugs!?" Cristina yelled

"I know right! Not everyone knows she taking anxiety meds but can at least put two and two together that she was just attacked and was under a lot of stress." Derek explained "You know what, I am going to the chief" He said getting up, "Stay with her, she might wake up soon."
Derek walked out the room and straight to the office. Luckily the Chief  was already in there.
"Hey! I was just going to come look for you! How's Meredith?" Richard asked right of the bat

"She's doing better now but I want to talk to you about Addison." Derek said taking a seat in front of the desk

"Ok, what's up?" He responded 

"Well, she accused Meredith of being on drugs. After she had spied on Meredith all day and followed and her. She thought Meredith's anxiety meds were drugs! Like how do you not know she has anxiety now! Why does sh-" Derek was cut off by the Chief because Derek was most definitely rambling

"Wow, she said that!" Richard answered. "That is serious, she could have taken a complete different route to this situation if it had been the case. But yeah, everyone knows about the attack." Richard answered.

"I know right." Derek responded 

"Ok Derek, thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will talk to her." 

"Ok thank you Richard" Derek said standing up to shake his hand. Once he did he left the room.
Derek walked back to Meredith's room as he walked in he saw her sitting up struggling to breathe and Cristina trying to calm her down but failing. 

"Meredith! Meredith! You have breathe!" Cristina was saying 

Derek ran and grabbed the oxygen mask that was behind the bed. He put it around her head then he sat down and wrapped both arms around her, squeeze her tightly. 

"Meredith! Look at me! What are 5 things you can see?"

"I-I-I can... see you and... Cristina... and the bed and the clock... and you're shoes?" Meredith said looking up at him with wide eyes

"There you go, calm down, you're safe." Derek said placing a quick kiss on her forehead, still holding her. 

"You see I remembered that trick from my psych rotation like a billion years ago." Derek said looking at her 

That comment earned a laugh from Meredith. Derek was so happy it did, her laugh can light up a room, even if it was was fixed with tears like this one was.

"Derek, thank you. You two share one mind. Mer I will come back and check on you later." Cristina said leaving the room.

This was written on my phone not computer so hopefully there are not too many mistakes (It's harder to read on the smaller screen.) Thank you for all the love on the last chapter! It really motivated me to write faster!!

The Element of SurpriseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora