chapter 2

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there levi stood in all of his 2'7 glory. he then eyed alvin 🥶🥶 up and down.
"Tch." levi said with love as he bent stood on his tippy toes to whipe alvins horse croch.
"l l ll l l l l levi..~" alvin blushed
levi then went to his office door and started licking the per off the floor. everything must be spotless at all times ⏱
Levi put on his cat ears and went back to work.

 everything must be spotless at all times ⏱Levi put on his cat ears and went back to work

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"t t t t tt t thank you levi.." alvin said as he went up to levi and sat on his lap. 😳💯💯
levi blushed and tried not to focus on alvins giant horse cock rubbing against his titan divk (levi got his dick bit off by a dog 🐩)

a few hours later be like doooo dahhh doooo

levi finally finished his work and alvin fell asleep in his lap.
"what a cutie" levi blushed "wait i cant feel this way about a CHIPMUNK" he gaged he then looked at alvins sleeping face..
"but i can't help it..."

to be continued...

milky levi x alvin the chipmunk uwu Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant