During Naruto and Ebisu's argument, Konohamaru watched on in silent surprise. Konohamaru was completely surprised at how Naruto had reacted to the news that he was the Sandaime's grandson. Everyone that Konohamaru had met outside of his family always treated him with the utmost respect and let him get away with anything he wanted to. It was because of the fact that no one would dare refuse the 'honorable grandson' that Konohamaru had started to pull pranks. He was sick and tired of people just seeing him as the 'honorable grandson' and had been hoping that eventually someone would snap from his pranks and treat him like a regular kid.

To Konohamaru's surprise and joy he had finally found someone in that blond haired whiskered boy who was treating him as his own person. Okay, so being chocked by his scarf while being called a moron in front of his grandfather had been painful and humiliating. As far as Konohamaru was concerned it was a small price to pay for being acknowledged by his own name instead of 'honorable grandson'. Seeing that Ebisu was going on and on about only he could help Konohamaru succeed his grandfather, Konohamru quickly ducked out the door to go look for Naruto.

Three hours and four escapes from Ebisu after first meeting Naruto in his grandfather's office; Konohamaru was finally able to locate where Naruto had gone to. Currently Konohamaru was looking out onto a meadow where about two dozen Naruto clones were hard at work. A dozen clones were standing up in the trees throwing shuriken at a Naruto on the ground that was busy deflecting the shuriken with two kodachi. The other dozen shadow clones were currently mediating on the undersides of tree branches. Finally there was one Naruto off to the side who was doing sit-ups. Deciding that it would be safest to approach the Naruto doing sit-ups, Konohamaru slowly walked over and said, "A mister, can I talk with you?"
Naruto looked up into the slightly nervous face of Konohamaru and said, "Sure Konohamaru." Getting into a sitting position Naruto yelled out at the Shadow clones in the meadow, "Times up boys. Disperse yourselves one at a time in 5 second intervals; I don't want to deal with a headache like last time!" Konohamaru watched in amazement as the Narutos in the meadow did exactly as the Naruto sitting next to him told them to. Seeing the look of surprise in Konohamaru's eye, Naruto said, "Their shadow clones. My family on my mother's side has a long history of generating a lot more Chakra then other people but at the same time having a lot less control. Someone in the family came up with this jutsu and it allows the user to create an actual physical clone instead of an illusion. Everything that the shadow clones learns I learn when the clones disperse. So what do you want to talk to me about Konohamaru?"

For the next hour Konohamaru and Naruto talked about things in Konohamaru's life and about both of their dreams to become Hokage. Unknown to Konohamaru, but known to Naruto who simply pretended otherwise, Ebisu was standing on a tree branch listening to the conversation. At first Ebisu had wanted to come in and take Konohamaru away from Naruto. However Ebisu had refrained from doing that as he noticed that his charge was practically spilling his heart out in front of Naruto. Ebisu learned more about Konohamaru listening in on that hour long talk then he had in the past six months.

At the end of Konohamaru's talk about himself Naruto, to Ebisu's surprise, said, "I understand where you're coming from Konohamaru. Both of us want to be recognized for who we are and not what the villagers see when they see us. You want to step out of your grandfather's shadow and not be loved by the villagers only because of the fact that you are the Hokage's grandson. On the other side I want to step out of scorn that many villagers have for me." Seeing the surprise and confusion on Konohamaru's face Naruto went on to explain. "You see Konohamaru I was born on the exact day of the Kyuubi's attack on Konoha. Because of that fact and my whisker like birthmarks I seem to constantly remind people of all those that they lost on that day. Trying to cope with the immense pain that they were dealing with, most of the people in the village directed their feelings on the attack towards me."

The Fourth Dojutsu Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora