Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
Disclamer: If I owned Naruto, the Sasuke would only appear in the second half thanks to the Resurrection of an Impure World Jutsu. As this is not the case, it is quite obvious that I don't own Naruto.

The next day after being told about the Kyuubi Naruto was in the Hokage tower once again. Naruto had had to go in today in order to get his ninja identification photo taken. Instead of heading strait home after his business with the record department was taken care of, Naruto headed off to the Hokage's offices. Passing by the Hokage's secretary Naruto called out, "Good day, I'm here to bring some documents that I know Grandpa Sarutobi will want to have a good look at." Receiving a casual nod from the secretary, Naruto opened the door and went into Sarutobi's office.

Once the door was closed Naruto called out, "Good day gramps." Sarutobi looked up from his desk and smiled seeing Naruto's cheerful face. Before Sarutobi could ask why Naruto was here the boy said, "During our talk last night I realized how I was unintentionally hurting this village by keeping all of the Uzumaki clan records to myself." Reaching into his coat, Naruto pulled out a stack of papers that were tied together. Placing the stack of papers on Sarutobi's desk Naruto said, "I had several shadow clones stay up all night copying these pages out of several clan books. These papers contain the Uzumaki clan notes on how a person can have multiple bloodlines. Also, there are notes on how to make a type of paper that will allow you to determine which of the three categories a person's bloodline or bloodlines are."

There was a small tear in Sarutobi's eye as he reached over on his desk and picked up the papers that Naruto had put down. It was very rare that a ninja clan, even one as small as the Uzumaki currently were, to ever give a copy of their clan records. Most people thought that the reason why Konoha's libraries contained only E and D ranked jutsus with the uncommon C ranked and very rare B ranked jutsu was do to village security. Actually the truth of the matter was that none of the Clans would give up anything higher then a D ranked jutsu when Konoha was founded. The small supply of C and B ranked jutsus were in the library because of a few generous ninjas like the Shodai who had wanted to help out those without a clan become good ninjas.

Sarutobi had placed the precious documents that Naruto had given him into his desk and was about to thank Naruto when the door opened. Into the room came running Konohamaru with a shuriken in his fist and yelling out, "Today's the day I defeat you and become Hokage!" Sadly for Sarutobi's would be defeater, Konohamaru tripped over his scarf. Quickly picking himself up off of the ground Konohamaru looked around himself. Pointing an accusing finger at Naruto, the little boy called out, "Hey, you tripped me!"

Now the months of meditation and training with Iruka may have calmed Naruto down a great deal, but Naruto sill was impulsive and emotional. Most of the time the whiskered boy was able to keep those tendencies of his under control; however Konohamaru managed to somehow bypass Naruto's self-control. Thus to Sarutobi's shock and surprise, the old Hokage watched as one of his grandsons started to strangle the other one. Naruto did this by holding Konohamaru up in the air by the little boy's scarf. Looking Konohamaru in the eye as he held the boy up in the air, Naruto said, "Get your facts strait moron before you start throwing accusations around."

At that point Konohamaru's private tutor Ebisu came barging into the room looking for Konohamaru. On seeing Konohamaru as he was, Ebisu demanded that Naruto let go of Konohamaru. After Naruto set the boy down, Ebisu started scolding Naruto stating that Naruto was an uncultured ruffian for treating the Hokage's grandson like he was. Naruto replied to Ebisu's remarks by yelling at the man. "Sir, If I'm an uncultured ruffian then you're a useless kiss-up. As Konohamaru's teacher you should be teaching the boy to use his head. Being the relative of a Kage out on the field only means that you're a bigger target for the enemy; teach the brat to stand on his own instead of hiding in his grandfather's shadow." With that said Naruto stormed out of the office complaining about self-important nobodies.

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