The assassin

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Your eyes focused once more on Atsushi, the blurriness left your sight and everything stopped moving. You noticed your hands were in your hair and they were shaking. Atsushi had reached out of the bars and grabbed your wrists to stop you from tearing your hair out from under the hat.

" Breathe ."

This happened not long ago, didn't it?

" Breathe. "

"Lady (Y/n)?"

Why was Dazai's voice stuck in your head?

"Lady (Y/n), are you still with us?" Kunikida asked gently.

"Yes, sorry." You shook your head to snap out of it. "I just remembered something silly."

As you fixed your hair inside the hat, you heard the sound of fast steps coming closer and closer. You closed your eyes for a second and took a deep breath, "If you don't give me information I won't give you the keys." You stated firmly.

"Miss (Y/n) we really don't know what you are talking about!" Atsushi said exasperatedly.

"Then we're done here." You stated in a cold, emotionless voice. You tossed the keys on the chair the previous guard was sitting on and left through the small window at the end of the dark hallway filled with cells.


You walked back to the alley where you had hid your dress, the guard was long gone and you had very little time to change before the guards began storming through the streets. You discarded the clothes on the ground and jumped into your own ones just in time, only moments later the guards arrived with weapons at the ready. "Miss, have you seen a man dressed as an officer come by?"

You stuttered to show off fear, "N-No officer... I'm sorry..." You looked down in shame, bowing to express guilt. "I'm sorry for not paying attention!"

"There, sir!" One of them picked up the clothes you had tossed down the alley, there was a small enough gap for a fairly slim man to pass by. "I want three men to go through there, the others come with me!" They separated and ran in different directions.

You were shaking, trying your hardest not to laugh at how gullible these men could be.

"Miss?" One of them stayed behind to accompany you home. "May I be so bold as to ask why you are here without anybody to accompany you? It's not exactly a safe street to be roaming for someone with such a fancy dress."

You smiled at him lightly and said, "I wanted to see the down, my father appointed two bodyguards to follow me around, but then they started fighting amongst each other and I got scared. When I went out searching for help no one really listened, then I saw this really nice tea shop and I just started exploring from there..." You blushed and looked at your feet, you sounded like such a child when you said it like that.

The guard sighed and shook his head. "Goodness miss, you must be somewhat of a handful." He smiled kindly and began walking towards the town centre. "Where were the guards when you last saw them?"

"I think we were outside a small tavern, I don't remember the name though..." You tapped your chin thoughtfully as you followed the guard dutifully. "Hmm...I think it was near a flower shop."

Actually you knew exactly where it was, you had to keep going straight until you reached the bell tower, then you had to turn right just before the flea market began and then you needed to keep going and it would be on your left. The name was ' Shipwrecker '. However, it was easier to say as few words as possible to avoid saying something wrong. One misstep could cause you to be severely scolded, most likely with whips.

Where The Sea Changes Colour / Dazai x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now