"Quit overreacting," My mother scolded me angrily, standing in the doorway with her long blonde hair pulled back in a loose, business-like ponytail, "And hurry up, you're going to be late! Again! Your principal already called me last week and told me you have reached the tardy limit for the month, which will result in a detention! I will not have it, Julian Alexander Grey, now throw some clothes on so I can drive you to school."

"All right, all right," I groaned in irritation, baring my fangs at her, "Just get out so I can change."

"You watch your lip with me, boy," She warned, holding a finger toward me dangerously in that no-bullshit kinda way, "Your father and I worked very hard to have you. You should be grateful to be alive. I went through months of--"

"Killing humans just so you could give birth to me," I finished in aggravation, narrowing my eyes as I turned my back to her, rummaging through the laundry on my floor, "I know, I know. I'll be out in a second, lemme change."

"And clean up this mess when you get home from school," My mother added in disgust as she picked up a pair of stained jeans, "And be home as soon as possible. Miss. Higgins will be here to give you your lessons and the last thing we need is to keep her waiting. Goddess knows she'll charge extra and I don't want to waste my money on a human."

"Cool." I deadpanned, then heard her sigh in frustration before slamming the door shut. I rolled my eyes and turned back, reaching up to run a hand through my hair, holding it out of my face as I threw t-shirts aside, a couple landing on my keyboard and the drum set a friend of mine had left last time he was over. I found a loose white t-shirt with a skull pattern on the front before tugging my signature black jean jacket over top followed by my fingerless black gloves and matching jeans.

I grabbed my backpack, which was actually rather lightweight seeing as I never brought my homework home with me and instead left it in my locker back at school to pile up. I flew out the door quickly, running down the hallway and down the couple steps to our ground floor. I ran to the kitchen on the other side of the house where my father was pouring a glass of blood while reading the newspaper.

I skidded to a stop, slamming into the counter, leaning over to snatch up the glass before he could. He looked up past his glasses with a frown, opening his mouth, but I already downed the glass. The sweet, yet metallic red liquid sailed into my mouth and flew down my throat, sloshing into my stomach and giving me the buzz I needed to make it through the day.

"Sorry, late for school, bye!" I said quickly before he could scold me. I whipped around and sprinted for the front door, throwing it open so hard that the leafy wreath that hung there fell to the floor and was smashed by the door as I shut it behind me. I was halfway across the yard when my mother threw open the door.

"Julian! I'm taking--"

"Walking! See ya later!" I called over my shoulder, catching only a glimpse of her furious glare as I landed on the sidewalk, my black Doc Martens beating the cement heavily. I pumped my arms at my sides, smirking as I let loose on my vampiric speed. Everything seemed to blur around me as I ran in time with the autumn wind that swept around me, carrying with it the moldy smell of wet, decayed leaves.

I breathed the scent in, then breathed it out and smiled in relief.

I hated being in my house. I hated being around my parents. I loved the smell of the outdoors. The feel of the wind on my face when I ran, the musical sounds of nature playing around me. All of it was my type of place, and I was glad to live in a small town like Silver Stone. The school itself was only made up of two hundred students, give or take a few with the last graduating class consisting of seventy. They would've had more if five of them hadn't gotten pregnant and dropped out.

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