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Three days later, midnight.

Lotus Pier, Yunmeng.

The flipping of pages can be heard, along with the night wind whispering by your ear and the water in the lake occasionally creating small waves, in the dim but warm orange light inside the room.

Jiang Cheng had just placed down the document he finished stamping when he felt a head-splitting pain. "Ugh – " he groaned as he raised his hand and held his head. He closed his eyes tight while he concentrated in regulating his qi to subside the pain in his head. However, his eyes snapped open wide when he felt a strong force was stopping him. "What – " he breathed when, suddenly, he felt his vision go dark and the pain reached its peak.

His consciousness faded and his body toppled backward.

BANG! A loud sound of something falling revibrated in the halls of the Lotus Pier. The disciples that remained to train heard the noise and they were startled to the point they dropped their sword. They thought it was the work of a ghost... well, they will know soon if it is.

However, they were even more scared when they realized the noise was from the direction of their sect leader's room! "SECT LEADER!!!" a loud cry can be heard in the middle of the night as they ran to their sect leader's room.

Well, it wouldn't be in a few seconds.

'Jiang Cheng' slowly opened his eyes and an unfamiliar ceiling greeted him. "What, I – " he muttered and realized he was lying on the floor.

'floor'? He thought. Wasn't I was in a bed just now – he felt confused and he slowly sat up because he felt dizzy. Only for him to realize the weight of his body suddenly felt lighter.

"Oh?" he muttered as he lowered his head and saw he was wearing a familiar set of purple uniform. A few seconds passed by and he was dumbstruck by the sudden realization. "I – " his eyes widened and, just on time, his gaze fell on the mirror. "... oh, no..." he muttered as his face became pale when he saw a familiar face on the mirror, but the moment he opened his mouth, the familiar person in the mirror also opened his mouth. "Did I just... but, how?!" he was shocked.

At this time, he heard the sound of running footsteps towards the direction of his room. He didn't have any time to react, since the door immediately opened. "Sect leader!" the YunmengJiang Sect disciples cried. "Sect leader, what happened?! We heard a loud noise of something falling and we immediately rushed – " they explained.

"Oh." 'Jiang Cheng' muttered in a dazed state, since he still can't believe what had just happened. Is this a dream? I remember I was sleeping, so, might this be a dream? He thought. But the disciples' reaction seemed real... "It – it was nothing. I am fine." He told them and his lips curled up when he saw their concerned and panicked expressions. He felt happy.

Seems like sect leader Jiang is highly regarded. He chuckled.

However, the disciples felt anything but happy. Seeing their sect leader smile is one thing, but to even hear him chuckle... well, he smiles and chuckles sarcastically when his enemy was infuriated by him, but... this is different right now! They screamed in their mind as they looked at 'Jiang Cheng' with a dark face as they watched him smile brighter.

That sound just now, was it really the work of a ghost? Since our sect leader was currently possessed! Sect leader Jiang can't smile, much less chuckle with a happy expression! Help!

The YunmengJiang Sect, the Lotus Pier, it is haunted!!!

Cloud Recesses, Gusu.

While his own disciples were internally panicking, Jiang Cheng's expression is as calm as the Dead Sea...

Well, might as well be dead. He thought as his face, whose actually Lan Xichen's, finally started to turn darker as he finally reacted. Why am I in Lan Xichen's body?! He gritted his teeth in anger as he clenched his fists... uhm, no. Lan Xichen's fists –

"Argh!" he grunted as he threw the blanket off of his body. However, since the Lan clan has strong arms, and Jiang Cheng, who is currently using Lan Xichen's body (JC: I am not using it!), is angry, a loud ripping sound was heard inside the silent room.

Oh. The blanket was torn. Jiang Cheng blankly looked at the poor blanket after he unintentionally ripped it into pieces. His already dark expression became even darker, darker than the night. His sanity was holding him back not to scream in frustration. Who can explain why he is in Lan Xichen's body?!

He paced back and forth inside the room, but since he is unused with the body he is in (JC: naturally, I'm unused to it! It isn't mine in the first place, so how can I be used to it!?), his legs occasionally bumped with the furniture. The vase on top of the small table almost fell when it rocked after he bumped into it. Fortunately, his reflexes are fast and he caught it in time... only for his forehead to bump into it since he still can't get used of the body.

He almost smashed the vase due to irritation, but fortunately, he held it in after years of practice of controlling his temper. The ripped blanket now lying on the floor reminded him of the Lan clan's arm strength. Thus, he carefully placed the vase back onto its place.

"Xichen?" Lan Qiren's voice was heard from the outside.

Jiang Cheng who was spooked and his hold loosened. "..." senior Lan, I know silence is practiced in Cloud Recesses, but can you not act like a ghost?!

The sound of something breaking broke the silence of the night and echoed in the serene walls of the Cloud Recesses.

(A/N: I was supposed to write Jiang Cheng waking up in Lan Xichen's body screaming, but hey, this is better? And JC doesn't scream, unless he's with LXC, on top of the bed, and... xDDD) 

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