0.02 Bender

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"The fuck you want to go to the mall for?" Hawk asked. After he'd ended church I'd asked him to go shopping with me.

"I need new pants," I said. My wallet had fallen through my last pair of jeans when I put it into my back pocket this morning. It wasn't like I couldn't afford new jeans. I could, thanks to club business. The last few years had shown me more money than I ever thought I'd see in a lifetime. I just hated shopping. I spent my hard earned cash on my bike, my truck and whiskey. Prez kept telling me to buy a house. Claiming real estate was a good investment or some shit.

"Can't you go by yourself."

"Ain't like you got shit better to do," I said.

I could go to the mall all by myself. I was a big boy. But pestering Hawk about shit was way more fun.

"Fine," he said. I grinned widely. He liked to pretend he didn't like spending time with me. He was just still sulking because he missed Nathan. Thankfully he'd be back from the honeymoon soon. They loved me, but I was solidly the third wheel in their love affair. I was okay with it. A good mistress was sometimes better than a wife.

Kidding. I definitely wasn't that type of guy. I would never take a mistress once I found an old lady. Neither would Hawk or Nathan. Rachel would cut his dick off herself if he even looked at another woman.

If only we could all be so lucky to find a woman who loved us the way she loved him.

We rode to the mall quickly, parking our bikes near the rear entrance. It was pretty crowded for a Friday morning. Walking towards the department store I could never be bothered to remember the name of, where they sold Levi's, I people watched, one of my favorite things to do.

When I was little, with no money and no family, I used to imagine being part of the families of the people I saw. I was sure they had their own problems, but to my little mind, anybody with two parents immediately had it better than me. Age and experience had washed away that fantasy. But my love for watching people never seemed to disappear completely.

"You're buying me lunch for making me come here," Hawk said.

"Anything you want, sweetie," I said with a laugh. He let out a laugh of his own before rolling his eyes.

It'd been over a week since we were at the mayor's house for the last drop, but I still couldn't get the girl from the window out of my mind. I hadn't even seen her face. I didn't know if she was black or white or latinx or Asian. I didn't know if her hair was blonde or brown or black or red. I didn't know what color her eyes would be.

And none of it mattered because there was just something about her.

The way she'd moved her hands as she spoke. The way the shadow of her body moved across the room. The obsession wasn't healthy considering I didn't know anything about her.

I was trying to figure out how I could subtly ask Mayor Davis about her next time we did a drop, but I was interrupted when someone caught my eye.

Immediately, I thought it was the girl from the window. The height, shape of her body, the long hair. It all matched.

And she was gorgeous. My body took me closer to her without me trying to. Her eyes were looking down at her shoes as she walked.

When she did look up, she took one look at Hawk and I and turned and bolted it in the other direction.


Honestly, I preferred that type to the other type that chased after anything with a patch.

Before I could try and follow her and strike up a conversation Hawk was snapping me out of the trance she'd put me in. "Where you going? This way," he said nodding down the hallway to the right.

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