Jimin became surprised: "What JK??
What are you talking about?

TAE: "Ash?
Was It a dream??"

Jimin touched TAE's forhead.
Jimin gave him medicine.
TAE fall asleep again.

Suga: "What happened? "

Jimin: "TAE was dreaming of Jungkook!"

Suga: "Wha--what?"

Jimin (sadly): "I am worried about TAE!"

They finally reached at South Korea.

At Home............ ❤

TAE's Dad also became worried about TAE.

Lisa also came & went to TAE's room.

Lisa touched TAE's forhead.

TAE murmured: "J-- K?"

Lisa became surprised to hear the name.

Lisa went to Bogum & told about this.

Bogum thought a plan to ditch TAE.
Lisa & Bogum became happy.

Doctor came & gave medicine to TAE.

Doctor: "Take care of him---
He is not fully well--
Don't stress him--"

Bogum came to TAE's Dad.

TAE's Dad suddenly became restless.

Dad: "Whatttttttt?
TAE can't do this---
He promised me--"

Bogum smirked: "But Uncle--
TAE dated a Guy already--
Lisa is also upset about this--"

Dad: "Okay---
I trust you Bogum--
I will take some steps- "

Bogum smirked & became happy to realise that his plan would be successful soon.

In the next morning, TAE felt quite well.

TAE was quite asleep.

"GOOD MORNING, good boy"

TAE smiled to see a handsome face infront of him on his bed.

TAE (half asleep): "Good morning- -"

The handsome face smiled at TAE & TAE fall asleep again.

After two days, TAE finally woke up.

Jimin: "Are you feeling well now?"

TAE: "hmm-"

Jimin: "Uncle wanted to talk with you---
So come--"

TAE: "hmmm-"

Jimin was about to leave but then stopped.

Jimin gave that White Envelope to TAE.

Jimin: "This is for you--"

TAE took the White Envelope.

TAE: "What is it?--"

Jimin: "I don't know--
It's for you--
Read it--
And then, come to Uncle's room.
He wants to talk with you urgently!"

Jimin left & TAE started reading the letter.

[  LETTER:---

Hi Handsome,
I hope you are reading this.
I just want to say that you will miss me!
Yes, you will miss your JK!
But, I want to say that if you will miss me ----
If you will need me ----
Then Oneday,
I promise--!!"

From, Bunny ]

A tear fell from TAE's eye. 😢

TAE murmured: "I am missing you----"

Tears started falling from his beautiful eyes! 😭

Suddenly, Bogum came to call & TAE hid his tears & letters secretly.

TAE followed Bogum to his Dad's room.

Dad: "TAE---
I am fixing your engagement with Lisa."

TAE became surprised: "Whatt?"

Dad shouted: "Why? Do you have any objection?"

TAE: "No-- I mean--"

Dad: "Shut Up TAE---
I will arrange your arrangement within a month--"

TAE murmured: "But--
I want to say --"

Dad: "That's my order--"

TAE's Dad left.

TAE became restless & nervous.

After some days, TAE told Jimin to contact Jin.

Jimin called Jin & asked about JK.

Jin said that he didn't know about anything!!

TAE became more upset.
He became restless everyday.
TAE started missing JK badly.
TAE started realising that he only needs JK!

But, Noone helped him.
Even His Dad refused to hear anything from TAE.
TAE's Dad pressurized him to marry Lisa.

As long as days were going, TAE became sick more & more.

Finally, the day arrived of engagement of Lisa & TAE.

TAE was upset.
He was very upset.
He didn't want to engage with Lisa but He was helpless.

Their engagement party started.

Everyone was happy except TAE.

Security was very tight  in their engagement.
Noonee was allowed to enter except guests.

A Man with a hoodie suddenly entered in their party secretly.

The Ring Ceremony of Lisa & TAE started.

TAE was quite & upset fully.

Lisa was smiling happily.

TAE put the ring on Lisa's finger.

The man in hoodie was watching TAE from quite far secretly.

Lisa also put the ring on TAE's wedding finger.

The engagement was successfully done.

Lisa & TAE were smiling but TAE was in pain.

Everyone started clapping happily.

Everyone congratulate the new Couple  (Lisa & TAE).

The Man in Hoodie wiped his own tears secretly & left quickly after seeing the engagement. (🙁)

At Middle night................. ❤

TAE was standing alone at the roof.
The moon was shining brightly.
He was looking at his Ring on finger.

Background music:

Where is my angel?
The end of the day
Someone come and save me, please
A weary sigh of a tiring day........... ❤

Tears were falling from his eyes continously.
He brust into tears. 😭

TAE screamed in pain: "Jungkookaahhh--
I miss you----
I --- I need you---
Please---- I need you--
Where are you??
Whereeeeeee --"  😭

TAE was breathing heavily due to pain.
He was in pain & lonely under the moonlight just like JK was lonely at that night in Paris. 😭

The pain was melting in a form of tears from TAE's eyes! 😭

❤Background music:

 I guess everyone's happy
Can you look at me? 'Cause I am blue and grey
The meaning of the tears reflected in the mirror
My color hidden with a smile, blue and grey........ ❤

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