"Good morning class," called out their old teacher, the science professor who was never enthusiastic about the start of his day, "please settle down." The sound of his voice stopped any chatter in the room and each student found their way to settle down in their seats. Ishimaru, however, was still sitting straight in his seat as usual with a creepy smile plastered on his face.

"Today, as we've discussed, we will be studying the anatomy of a frog." It totally hadn't crossed his mind, but today was the day they had to dissect a frog! He dreaded it, as he wasn't good with things like this... even if it was just a frog, the thought of cutting open and seeing the inter-workings of a once living thing made him want to puke. "This will be partner work," he began, making Ishimaru relieved. He could leave the dissection to his partner, and everything would be alright.

"The groups are Yamada with Togami, Hagakure with Kuwata, Asahina with Kirigiri, Ogami with Enoshima, Maizono with Fujisaki, Fukawa with Ludenburg, Naegi with Ikusaba, and..."

The teacher, paused, and Ishimaru knew what was coming. His stomach dropped as he realized. "Ishimaru, since Oowada isn't present, you will be working alone. Is that alright?" Ishimaru hesitated as he considered asking to join another group, but he thought that would cause too much trouble. He would rather be nothing but perfect in the teachers eyes.

"Of course." He responded, head down as he developed a cold sweat. This isn't good... he needs a good grade on this! He has to follow what the teacher wants him to do! It was all Oowada's fault. If he was here, everything would work out for him. Maybe he would personally make today's detention a living hell for him...

And just like that, everyone was handed a work sheet and was making their way to the science lab. It was a separate room normally used by the Ultimate Biologist, but was occasionally used for school work. They'll graduate soon, so it's not like it'll get much use. Taka could convince them to repurpose the room into something better than a mutilation chamber! But, the teacher knows best.

"Is everything alright Ishimaru?" A sly girl asked, slowing down her pace to match the hall monitor's. She must've noticed his erratic movements as he frantically searched for Oowada in a last ditch effort to save himself.

"Ah, Kirigiri," Ishimaru responded, startled by the sudden confrontation, "yes I am! Just making sure there are no... um, stragglers as we make our way to a new room!" He gave Kirigiri a very convincing grin, to which she gave a evil-looking smirk back. Chuckling very quietly, she quickened her pace to return to Asahina.

Was it that obvious? He didn't care about his classmates opinions of him, just as long as he was able to preform to the best of his ability. But, does this mean the teacher would notice his strange behavior? He didn't want him to worry or cause any trouble. If only Oowada would show... well, it's possible that he was waiting for them in the lab!

But, as he made his way into the cold, unwelcoming lab room he noticed a lack of 6 foot tall gang leaders. He was already envisioning the poor frog's insides being violated, and it'll be all his fault...

"Alright, choose a random table and begin your work. We will head back shortly before class ends so you have enough time for your break." The teacher was the last to enter the room, and Ishimaru was left standing in front of the final empty table. A frog, motionless, on its back, was staring straight at the moral compass... guilt filled his whole body.

He felt eyes all over him as the punctual and eager student hesitantly pulled his chair out. Ishimaru didn't care at all, his mind was racing thinking of how he could possibly avoid this, but looking at the work sheet, it would be impossible not to dissect the frog.

And, as if in some sort of story, the door busted open.

"Since when are we doin' all this?" Oowada grunted, out of breath. Why was he rushing to class? Ishimaru turned to Kuwata who was avoiding any sort of eye contact with the gang leader, even though everyone else besides the two were staring at Oowada.

"So nice of you to join us," the teacher greeted him in a monotone voice, not looking up from a word search he was slouched over, "your partner will be Ishimaru. Please join him." This received a lengthy grunt from Oowada as he made his way to Ishimaru's table with heavy and slow strides. Ishimaru's attitude was the opposite, he watched him attentively as if he was superman or some sort of saint.

"You gonna give me a slip for being late or somethin'?" Oowada asked, staring at the moral compass with a blank stare, his eyes narrowed, "Is that why you look so excited?" Ishimaru shook his head eagerly.

"To tell you the truth Oowada, I cannot harm this frog," he explained with his head down, beckoning to the slimy frog, "it goes against my morals. And you have come to rescue me from this predicament." He looked up to stare Oowada in the eyes with a desperate expression, pleading, "as a team, we will both get a good grade, and everything will be alright!"


Ishimaru was dumbfounded. This would be perfect for the both of them, and yet Oowada was right in front of him, declining such an offer. He was... disappointed. The bit of hope he had in this hooligan was crushed.

"W-why not!?" Ishimaru stumbled over his words, prepared to stand up from his seat, but holding himself back. If he caused a scene, he'd only cause trouble for everyone!

"Why would I help you?" Oowada asked, leaning back in his chair while avoiding eye contact, "you've done nothin' but punish me. I would even go and say you target me for bein' me." Ah... Ishimaru was starting to understand now. He wanted revenge.

"This is petty," he responded, crossing his arms, "you really wouldn't help me out this one time? Everything is riding on this." He stayed determined, but Oowada showed no sign of budging.

"Everything?" the large ruffian retorted, "one single project? Get real. You always stress over nothing." This also shocked Ishimaru. He knew nothing, but he acted like... he would never understand... he doesn't get it! He slammed his hand on the table and everyone in the class, except for Mondo, flinched.

"It's still a grade!"

"Is there a problem Ishitaka?" The teacher asked, his eyes still glued on whatever he was doing. Ishitaka quickly pulled his chair back under the desk and shoved both hands into his lap.

"No, sir," he said quietly, his voice quiet and meek. Oowada just chuckled. This caught the attention of Ishimaru, whos gaze met his. "Please..."

The big, tough biker-man blushed at this. That was such a silly thing to do, and if a normal girl gave him the puppy dog eyes and pleaded to him with such an annoying voice, he would simply laugh and bully her. But even now, in such a perfect, fan service like scene... something tugged at his heart. Now even Ishimaru's bold eyebrows looked inviting to him.

"H-how about this," Oowada began, breaking the silence while stammering just a bit. He regained his posture. "If you lift me and my buddy's detention, I'll do whatever you want to this ugly toad."

"Actually, a toad is different from a frog," Ishimaru corrected, stopping afterwards to think. It took him a second to come to a decision, it seemed like. Something was bothering him about this trade, but he felt like he was desensitized to Oowada being in detention at this point anyway. What would this change? "But yes, I'll take away both of your punishments for this evening if you comply."

"Sweet," Oowada replied, immediately grabbing the sharp tools in front of him, "where do I start?"

"Y-you... put gloves on first Oowada!!"

My Moral Compass Points Straight to You (Ishimondo)Where stories live. Discover now