Watty Awards 2020 Winner: Aamenah456

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Interview of Aamenah456, Winner of Watty awards 2020, romance for Charlie and Dia

Interviewer: Rk from Allure community


First of all, how are you? Hope everything is fine.

Hi! I'm well thank you, how are you? Thank you for having me, I am so excited to discuss my book with you all, I'm very happy to be here.

Thanks for asking, I'm fine. Here we go. I hope you enjoy this Interview.


1. Was it your ambition from start to pursue writing? If not what made you start it?

I think I have always been a writer. I enjoy creating stories and have done so, since I was a young child. I've also been part of the wattpad community for a very long time and one day decided it would be great to share my own stories, and things just escalated from there. I'm not sure what I could say 'started' my aspirations to become a writer, but I definitely find it mindful and it's more than just a hobby to me, it's a massive part of my life.

2. Every great piece of art has some inspiration behind it- what were your inspirations?

I think for me my inspiration comes down to my everyday reality. I write stories based on the hundreds of people I see and meet, and I have this belief that everyone has a story to tell. Sometimes my ideas are random at 3am thoughts, and others are based on small glimpses of personality that I am fortunate to engage with, and so I guess, humans are my inspiration. And my books cater towards themes of hope and happiness that I wish to share, from my imaginary world.

3.Has writing and publishing a book changed the way you see yourself?

No, not at all, haha. I've always enjoyed writing and it will forever be something I appreciate, so it can never be classed as a job, or make me feel different per se. If anything, publishing has just made me more motivated to carry on creating new content and sharing stories when I can.

4. When did the idea of Charlie and Dia first cross your mind?

I think Charlie and Dia have always been on my mind as potential characters, but their personalities were always scattered, amongst my other stories. I started writing this story last August, when I decided my dissertation subject would be to investigate the link between stammering and mental health, and that spurred Charlie's creation. I consider Dia a role model who embodies the characteristics that I would love to strengthen, personally. She is kind, empathic, patient and supportive, and so I think a lot of her personality and the way she is, mirrors my own personal goals. She started off as being a figment of my imagination but when I was writing Charlie's character, I soon realised they would be a perfect match and began to alter, and create a storyline that could weave these strangers together.

5.What do you enjoy most as a writer?

I love the actual process of writing. It is highly stressful at the best of times but so rewarding, whether it is completing the first paragraph, chapter or tying a knot in the loose foundation threads that I have created. I enjoy breathing life into my characters, and making them appear realistic, and so for me the actual writing process, is my favourite part.

6.What is your writing process like? How did you plot your book?

Gosh it is a mixture of things. Sometimes I'll open my notebook and plot and plan ideas, for a story that is then never written. Other times, I'll get an idea and I'll be writing a brand new story for the most of the day, and well into the early hours of the morning. Most recently though, I have been writing the stories that have come from nowhere, completely unplanned, before taking out my notebook and sketching out a plot, that may or may not be used. I like to write how I feel, so sometimes my current state can help me to write very emotive scenes, and then I'll weave it into the story later, where it can fit. For the most part, my books are written and I have bullet points, or a skeleton of things I would need to consider later on, to ensure there are no plot holes, but it changes all the time.

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