Sammy: Interview taken by Andrea

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Interviewer: xxHellPuppyxx

Interviewee: Sammy_8813

Before I begin this interview, I would like you to introduce yourself to the fellow readers, Sammy.
Hi! I’m Samiksha but you can call me Sammy! I’m a 17 year old girl. Born on Christmas, hot headed and aloof. I don’t like to talk much. I’m a martial artist and volleyball player. I am a graphic designer in many communities and societies.

Well, its nice to meet you, Sammy! Must be fun to celebrate two special occasions in one day! The first question I have for you is when did you start graphic designing?
I started graphic designing 7 months ago.

Oh, that’s quite recent! Have you always been a graphic designer at heart or is it something you picked up?
I always wanted to be a graphic designer but that time I didn’t know where to start. But now I know what I’m doing!

That’s great news, I’m still trying to explore the world of graphic designing! Just in case our readers would like to come to you for future references, could you tell me some genres that you design for?
I design graphics for all genres except for Teen Fiction.

That’s interesting! Everybody has exceptions when it comes to doing what they love. What’s your personal favourite genre to design for?
I love designing for horror.

What’s your most recent graphic design?
Feel free to check out my graphic book, ‘Dynamite Graphic Book’ to check out my latest graphics.

Very well, then. What apps do you use for graphic designing and what apps would you recommend?
I use ibis Paint X and Text On Photo. I recommend using both these apps.

How many requests do you receive daily?
I receive about five requests daily.

That’s quite a lot to receive in one day. What is your work/school schedule like when you’re trying to design a graphic?
I divide my time with my schedule. Half the time I focus on studies and other half with graphic designing.

Do you have a favourite cover that you enjoyed designing?
No, I enjoy all the covers I made.

Haha, glad to hear there’s no favouritism going on here. The next question is not related to the topic but how long have you been a K-pop fan?
Yeah and a crazy one for BTS. I’ve been a fan for 8 months now.

Ooo, I see we have a fellow Army here. I noticed that there’s a graphic contest book that goes by the name ‘Glacial Graphic Contest’on your profile. Now, when did you come up with the idea to have a graphic designing contest?
Idea just popped into my mind, I really love my work so I wanted to see other talented work according to my choice.

I’m sure the contestants are looking forward to it! Do you think you’ll ever giving up on graphic designing?
I did once because of some people really bothering me but now I don’t care about them.

Haters gonna hate, its best we let them do their job while we strive to success. What inspired you to be a graphic designer?
I don’t know, I was like I just want to be a graphic designer and nothing else!

Haha, that’s adorable! I’ve been wanting to be a graphic designer but I’m really not that good at editing. I’m sure there are many out there like me, what advice would you give to aspiring graphic designers?
Be creative and do what you love!

Those are some encouraging words to say, Sammy! Sad to say, we’ve come to the end of the interview but I really enjoyed doing this! This is my first time interviewing a graphic designer and I hope I didn’t screw it up, haha! Thank you so much for doing this.

Continue To Inspire. Sammy_8813

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