Start from the beginning

"Ironwood chuckles."

Ironwood:"Then, we will try our best to tame it."

"Winter looked at Ironwood with a worried look."

"Just then, Ruby pointed her weapon at Ironwood."

Ruby:"Stop this right now, or you lose your head!."

Ironwood:"Hmmm......are you threatening me Ruby Rose?!."

"Ruby and her group were in the hanger inside the docking bay."

Ruby:"Yes I stop trying to create more weapons of destruction!."

"Three atlesian solders point their weapons at Ruby and her group."

"Just then, Dan walked into the room."

Dan:"Ruby!....what are you doing?!."

Ruby:"Trying to prevent another disaster."

Weiss:"Now listen to my leader......stop trying to create something you have no control of!."

Winter:"Weiss......tell Ruby to lower her weapon."


Winter:"Please, lower your weapon Ruby......"

Ruby:"Weiss said no.....and Im determined to stick to my promise of protecting Remnant!."

Winter:"Very well."

"As winter is about to give her men the order to fire, a tear rolls down her eye."

Ruby:"We don't have to take this, team MHTH, unit with us!."

Daigo:"Wait....Ruby......think about this!."

Ruby:"I already have thought about it, and your helping us if you like it or not!."

"Team RWBY grab the hands of team MHTH, who try to fight back, but are eventually beaten, and become their Ultrawoman forms, while at human hight."

Ruby:"Now!, shall we settle this?."

Dan:"!!, PLEASE!!!!."

"Start music here"

"Ruby and her team all attack Winter and her troops."

"Team MHTH tried to get the four girls to stop, but it didn't work."

Mirai:"RUBY.....PLEASE STOP!!!!."

Ruby:"Shut up Mirai!."

Weiss:"We came to stop the creation of another deadly weapon, and your not stopping us."

"Dan couldn't do anything but watch in saddened as team RWBY attacked Winter."

Winter:"Weiss please.....stop this, I don't want to hurt you!."

Weiss:"But I'll have to hurt you if you continue to stand in our way!."

"Weiss kicked winter in the stomach, sending her flying into a wall."


"Fujimiya helped winter up to her feet"

Fujimiya:"Are you hurt Winter"

Winter:"Im fine!."

"Stop music here"

"At that moment, team KAMM came into the room"

ULTRASEVEN + RWBY "THE KAIJU WAR OF REMNANT VOL 2."Where stories live. Discover now