Winter Is Coming

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A few hours before Christmas eve, Jennie is taking out the roasted turkey from the oven. She's taking her time with the preparation of the food, since she's planning on inviting their friends over for dinner.

While Jisoo on the other hand? Well... She's not much of a help really. Jennie doesn't like her anywhere near the kitchen 'cause you can guarantee the mess that she'll make if she's there.

Jennie is already in her third trimester of pregnancy, and she's pretty much excited and nervous of the arrival of their first baby. They still hadn't decided yet what name should they give their daughter, since Jisoo wanted a Korean name for their daughter, and Jennie wanted to name her after the couple's favorite season and because the child will be born during winter.

"Baby, can you help me in setting up the table? Just— you know...put the plates and the other stuff neatly on the table...please. I'm almost done here." Jennie asked her wife who is just watching her from the door of the kitchen.

The latter followed what her wife asked her to do and immediately went to the cupboard to get the flatware and plates. She was busy setting up the table when she heard the loud sound of a glass breaking from the kitchen.

She immediately ran to check her pregnant wife and saw Jennie kneeling on the floor— holding on to the edge of the kitchen counter while the other hand is on her stomach as she grimaced in pain.

"W—what's wrong? T—tell me... Jennie, what's wrong?" Jisoo uttered, clearly in panic as she watched her wife who is sweating bullets matched with an unnatural pale complexion.

Jennie is taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. She grabbed Jisoo's hand and squeezed it tightly. She felt Jisoo's cold hands, the same cold hands that she felt during their wedding, and she knew that her nervous wife is on the verge of fainting if she doesn't calm herself down first.

"Baby— tell me! What's wrong! Jennie!" Jisoo yelled, she could feel herself almost on the verge of hyperventilating.

"Jisoo, calm down." Jennie whispered through the pain, but her wife didn't hear it.

She is trying to take deep breaths to calm her nerves, but the pain in her stomach is too unbearable.

"Jennie! Answer me damn it!" Jisoo yelled once more which earned a glare from her pregnant wife.

"Did you just curse at me?!" The latter retorted.

Jisoo flinched when she realized what she has done. She looked at her wife in pure terror and started taking deep breaths along with her wife.

"I—I'm sorry, baby. I wasn't— I wasn't cursing at you. Now tell me where it hurts." She uttered softly as she caressed her wife's hand.

Jennie grimaced and squeezed Jisoo's hand even more. But taking deep breaths isn't doing anything for her, she's still in so much pain so Jisoo decided to take her wife to the hospital— thinking that Jennie is in labor already.

"Kim Jisoo! Drive faster!" Jennie yelled at the backseat of the vehicle.

Jisoo kept looking back and forth at the road and then at her wife. "I am, baby! I am driving as fast as I can! Calm down!"

"I am calm! You calm down! Why are you yelling at me?!" The pregnant woman yelled back in agitation.

"I'm not yelling baby... Jesus! We're almost there. Hold on a bit okay?" Jisoo uttered and focused herself on the road.

"I AM HOLDING ON! WHAT CHOICE DO I HAVE?! THIS IS YOUR FAULT, KIM JISOO!" Jennie cried out loud. The pain in her abdomen is making her emotions uncontrollable.

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