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I walked by myself one evening toward the Gryffindor common room. It was exciting to have the students from the other schools at Hogwarts, but I didn't really have any contact with any of them except Celeste, who ate with us most days. She was very nice and well spoken. We all traded stories about what life was like where we lived, and I loved being able to expand my worldview.

The twins were beginning to get very good at charms and I highly doubted they would need my help for much longer. Somehow, I was truly hoping that they wouldn't realize how good they were because I didn't really want to stop our weekly ritual. George was the closest thing I had had to a brother in my whole life. He always joked with me, but there was something so sincere about his words that made me feel comforted.

And Fred. There was no way to describe Fred. He got under my skin more than anyone I had ever met did. But even with that in mind I had never wanted to be closer to a human in my life. His energy drew me in, when we made eye contact during our sessions, I had to force my eyes away. I found myself making excuses to brush his hand or guide him in his wand placement.

A smile formed on my lips as I thought about it. "Sawyer", I felt someone reach out and touch the small of my back. "Oh, hello Cedric", I smiled. "Where are you headed off too?", he grinned, falling into step with me. "I tutor the Weasley twins on Thursday nights", I answered, looking at him. He was quite attractive. His cheeks were always rosy it seemed, and he was smart. He always knew what to do in class and was able to keep up with me, which was saying something.

"That's great", Cedric said, a tint of something I couldn't identify in his voice, "They're a laugh". I raised my eyebrows, "They certainly are". We were nearing the Gryffindor common room and I was about to say I had to go when Cedric let out with a smooth tone, "Are you going to Hogsmeade this weekend?". I shook my head, my ponytail shaking back and forth,
"I'm probably just going to study". 

The corner's of his lips turned up, "Well what would I have to do to convince you to ditch the books and come with me. To Hogsmeade. On a date". I was sure that my face was bright red. Before I think I let out, "Um, yeah...okay sure". Cedric grinned widely, "Perfect. I'll see you then". I stood still for a moment as he walked down the hall. Did that really just happen? Did Hogwarts own golden boy just as me, the somewhat loner with severe Daddy issues on a date. I couldn't stifle the giggle that came.

I waited by the Gryffindor portrait hole, bouncing up and down slightly. Someone came out and I walked in. The common room was buzzing with people, but I soon spotted Fred by the fire. "Hi!", I waved happily. He smiled as I approached. "Where's George?", I said, plopping down next to him. He looked at me and let out, "How can you tell us apart so easily?". I shrugged, "I don't know".

I kept fiddling with my ponytail, something I did when I was excited. Fred seemed to notice. "What's got you so giddy?", he said leaning closer, "It's a good look, Foster". My smile widened, "Oh is it now?". He nodded. "Well", I began, trying to keep my voice steady, "Cedric asked me out!". I was unsuccessful, as it came out more as a squeal. Fred blinked. "That's unexpected", he let out in a low voice.

I didn't know it was possible for a heart to drop so easily. "What is that supposed to mean?", I let out. "Nothing", he had moved away from me, a good three feet separating us now. "It obviously means something", I scowled, my demeanor turning stoney. "It just means that it's unexpected, okay?", Fred snapped, "I'm surprised he asked you out. Do you two even talk?". I felt a pit in the bottom of my stomach.

"So you think I'm not good enough for him right?", I chewed on my lip, "You think that he's too cool and I'm too much of a nerd, right?". I stood, grabbing my wand and thrusting open the portrait hole. Fred ran after me. "Sawyer", we were now alone in the hall, "That's not what I meant". Everything I was worried about seemed to hit me all at once. Why did I care so much what Fred thought? But if he thought it that must mean everyone else would be thinking it too...

No! I wouldn't let myself spiral. "Okay", I crossed my arms, "I'm going out with him. Unless you can give me a good reason not to, I am". Fred opened his mouth, then shut it. "That's what I thought", I turned on my heel calling out, "You and George can practice on your own this week". 

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