3 am thoughts

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It's 3:41 am. I'm feeling so lost. I'm writing this to occupy my mind with something, anything. I feel like an orphan. That feeling of having no parents to protect you from the ugly world. I'm so thrown aback by the grown up world. It's like a four years old kid losing his parents in a crowd and he's so scared. There's something stuck in your throat and anytime tears are gonna spill. Everything you think of, every ray of hope now has become so absurd that you can't even think of one possible way out of the dipshit you're in. Not a single positive thought can slip through you mind among the dark negative thoughts.
What would anyone do in this situation? I'm trying to write my worries away. Does it helps? It sure does. It takes away the sadness weighing on me. Maybe not completely but it helps.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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