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Hermione POV

"Honestly Ron," I grumbled "You can't possibly believe that Sirius Black could break into Hogwarts?"

Ron scoffed, "We also thought there was no way you-know-who could get into Hogwarts either Hermione! And he was on the back of our professors head!"

I shook my head and looked to Harry, "Don't worry Harry, Dumbledore wouldn't let anything happen to you. Especially not on Hogwarts grounds!"

Harry stayed silent as we walked into the great hall for the welcoming feast. It had been a rough train ride, dementors boarded the train and just about killed Harry.

And we hadn't even gotten to school yet. I thought grimly.

We all sat down next to Fred and George who were whispering amongst themselves. "Not already planning to get yourselves into detention are you?" I smirked as I sat next to George.

Fred leaned in towards the table to look at me, "And if we were Granger?"

I blushed slightly, I had always had a crush on Fred, but only Harry knew. "Well then I wish you luck, I heard Filch is adamant to keep all pranks far away from the halls this year."

Fred smiled, "I love a challenge. Don't you Georgie?"

George nodded eagerly, "If anything it motivates us more."

I shook my head smiling as Dumbledore stood up to begin the welcoming speech. "First, let us welcome the new first years and begin their sorting."

It was then that McGonagall led in a line of nervous looking first years. I remember when that was Ron, Harry and I. I couldn't help but feel sorry for them.

I elbowed Ron as he began to snicker at the poor kids. "That was you not long ago Ronald!" He rubbed his side where I elbowed him and said, "Blimey Hermione, I was only kidding."

The first years were sorted and Dumbledore took to his feet again. "I would like to remind everyone that the forbidden forest is off limits to all students. As a further precaution, this year we will have dementors guarding the gates to the school. I have been promised they will not step foot on the grounds. I do warn you, dementors are not forgiving, do not give them reason to harm you." I stole a glance at Harry who looked pale.

"Psst Potter!" I heard from behind us. "Potter! Is it true you fainted? I mean you actually fainted!" Malfoy laughed.

"Shove off Malfoy." Ron growled pulling Harry to look away.

"How did he find out?" Harry whispered. I glared back at Malfoy and he sneered at me. "Take a picture mudblood. It'll last longer."

I narrowed my eyes and turned away. "Piss of ferret." I heard from beside me. It was Fred who had turned to glare at Malfoy. I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach and my face begin to grow hot.

"Ooo have you gotten yourself a boyfriend bookworm?" Malfoy taunted. This only made my face grow warmer as I tried to hide my face.

"I said shut it Malfoy. Before I make you." Fred growled

Malfoy laughed and turned around continuing to whisper to his lackeys Crabbe and Goyle.

"Don't mind him 'Mione, he's just a jealous git." Fred smiled and George nodded in agreement. "I rather like that nickname, ferret. That'll stick surely."

I laughed lightly and turned back to Dumbledore as he announced the beginning of the feast.

Before our eyes mountains of food appeared before us and all of us dug in.


"I feel like I just might explode." Ron huffed plopping himself on the sofa in the Gryffindor common room.

"Maybe if you hadn't had five servings you wouldn't feel so full." I laughed as I sat next to Harry. "I was hungry!" He defended himself.

I held up my hands in defeat and laughed. Harry broke into a small smile and he and Ron began a game of wizards chess.

I've never understood the appeal of the game. It was rather barbaric in my opinion. I watched as Ron's bishop took one of Harry's pieces and it broke into shards. I shook my head and got up, I saw the twins sitting at one of the tables and wandered over.

"Hey Fred, erm I wanted to thank you." I said quietly , "For yknow saying something to Malfoy."

I kept my eyes down until I felt a hand reach out and grab my own. "Anytime Granger." I looked up to see him smiling at me warmly.  Except....

"You two honestly don't think I can tell you apart by now?" I said sternly taking my hand out of George's. "Here I am trying to thank you for helping me and you turn it into a joke!"

I turned to walk away when I felt another hand grab my arm. "We're sorry Granger!" Fred, the real Fred this time, laughed. "As for your thanks, don't worry. If that ferret ever bothers you feel free to come to me to take care of it."

I blushed deeply and looked into his hazel eyes, "Thanks." I mumbled before pulling away and heading for my dormitory.

Come to me to take care of it. I couldn't help but replay his words in my mind. I prepared for bed and got into my pajamas and pulled back the covers.

Too bad I'm just another sister in his mind.


Fred POV

"Malfoy is such a git." I grumbled to George after Hermione went upstairs. "He is such a prat. One of these days I'm going knock his teeth out."

George looked at me amused, "Mhm."

"I mean calling her a mudblood! How disgusting can you be?" I exclaimed. "And to Hermione of all people. He's probably just jealous because she's better at him in everything. I'm sure she'd beat him at quidditch he's so bad!"

George continued to nod, amused. "You feel quite strongly on this tonight Freddie."

I gave him a pointed look, "Are you telling me Malfoy isn't a git?"

"No, I'm saying I think you're only this bothered by him this much because he was rude to Hermione." He said matter of factly.

I scoffed, "I would've said something if it had been anyone. He can't just go around saying whatever he wants because his daddy is rich."

George raised an eyebrow, "Oh, so this has nothing to do with what you told me that night you were drunk? Have you seen her? She's beautiful, and smart and she's perfect Hermione is. Just perfect."

"First! I don't speak like that. And second, I told you to forget that night ever happened!" I exclaimed smacking my twin.

George laughed, "As if I could forget that night mate."

I felt myself blush, "Ok so I had a crush on her. Big deal."

"Had?" George looked at me quizzically "Please, Freddie be honest with yourself, just once."

"FINE! I have a freaking crush on Granger. Now will you leave me be." I huffed getting up and walking upstairs to our dormitory.

Malfoy isn't the only git.


Helloooo and welcome dear readers!!! I hope you enjoy this!! :)

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