Im An Assassin

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Contains strong language and well...murder.
If you are sensitive to that sort of stuff please by all means do not continue reading.
But if you don't mind by all means continue and I hope you enjoy 🥰 also I may or may not have some spelling errors but if I do please fill free to leave a comment!

Also this takes place in the time of Spider-Man Homecoming for the beginning of it, however later it does not 😉however none of the plot from the movie actually none of that.

My name is y/n y/l/n, I'm an assassin. And as the cliche goes I'm the best. Not being cocky or anything but anyone who pisses me off will regret it.
I was born and raised in the hydra industry, my father is the CEO of it, however I don't know who he is. All fifteen years of living I haven't met him yet. At least in person. I talk to him over the holographic screen.He says it's dangerous to be with each other. But he said one day I'll get to see him. I resent him for a lot of reasons, but he's still my father well technically he isn't my dad. All I know is that he adopted me and trained me to be the deadliest weapon against anyone who stands in his way. But regardless I love him despite everything. He can be the most evil person to anyone even me, but beneath it I know he loves me. At least I hope so.
I'm an asset to how he gets what he wants and when he wants it.
I don't mind, I like it.
The feeling of the power I have against people. I don't think it counts as cheating if I have powers. I have telekinesis, pain infliction, and I'm strong as hell.
I love the thrill it gives me when I go on a mission. You might think I'm an actual psycho for killing people and or torturing them, however I don't see it that way. And I really don't think of it. A mission is a mission.
Plus even if I did care it's not like I have a choice, I'm the only one who has a fucking chip in there head so that if I refuse anything with one click of a button I feel the most hurendous pain ever.
But it happens rarely ever, I never fail to complete my tasks.
My brother David is another story.
He pisses me off badly but he's my brother and I love his annoying ass self. He doesn't like his life and I can't really blame him. But honestly this is all I know and I consider these annoying phyco people as my family.
Everyone gets on each other's nerves but we still all have each other's backs.
I would do anything for them, no matter the cost.

. . . . .

I'm laying on my bed staring up at the ceiling bored as hell. I was already done with training and had nothing to do. I haven't had a real mission in a year, all the ones where I have to torture people to spill there guts out are annoying as fuck. They bore me, no one is a challenge to me. Everyone is so gosh damn weak.
All I want right now is someone to bump into me so I can just beat their ass, I have an addiction to fight.
And there was no real mission I could go on because I was apparently "not needed".
Which is bullshit!. I'm the strongest and smartest one here and the only one with fucking powers and yet I'm told I'm "not needed" like that is bullshit. But my dad says I'm there to go on missions when he knows none of his assassins can't complete it.
In the hydra industry I'm the only one with powers, not even my brother has powers. Which I find weird but I don't really think of it all that much.
I get really jealous over my brother, he gets to go on these fun adventures and missions while I'm stuck at one of the hydra bases.
I ball up my fists in frustration. I stand up and punch the punching bag I have in my room.
I continue to punch it as hard as I can letting all my anger out. Not even a minute later it falls down broken. I roll my eyes and kick it across my room.
"Ugh!" I yell out.
Suddenly there was a knock at my door.
I grab my dagger from my side.
David opens the door and I let out a breath of air in relief.
"Should I come at another time?" He says looking at the dagger in my hand.
I put it in my pocket.
"No loser come in"
He smiles and walks in sitting across from me.
"How was the mission?" I say letting out a sigh.
He shrugged.
I sit up straighter. When he shrugs it usually means something happened.
"What?did something happen?"
He shakes his head rubbing the back of his head.
"It was ok, it's just we lost Vicky"
I tense up, Vicky was David's girlfriend and my best friend. I've known her since I was five. We would train together everyday and sometimes go on missions together. But what was most fun was pulling all the dumb ass pranks on the guards. Two years ago my brother David and her got more close and ended up being a couple. Which made me happy, they were good together. But once they did become a couple I remember threatening David that if he ever broke her heart I would break him. But deep down I know he wouldn't. They both loved each other very much.
My hand shakes a bit in shock.
"Is she dead?" I say, forcing back my tears. I never cry however she meant a lot to me. But even though she does I never show my weakness. So I shake off the sadness and replace it with anger.
He shakes his head in silence.
I slap him.
"Tell me you asshole!"
He stands up angry.
"Taken!she was taken!, happy now!" He says yelling sitting back down with his hands covering his head.
I let out a breathe balling up my fists.
"Who...let...her, get taken" I say very slowly before I would snap.
He looked up at me knowing what's coming next.
"No. I'm not telling you." He says bewildered.
I through my hands up in the air.
"Why the hell not!"
He laughs
"Because you'll kill whoever did and then you'll get locked up until dad says you can leave. Remember what happened last time?"
I roll my eyes.
"You break a guys arm and suddenly you get in trouble"
He scoffs.
" ok one he just so happened to trip you."
I open my mouth to say something but he cuts me off.
"-by accident. And "breaking his arm" is definitely an understatement."
I rolled my eyes.
"Please." I said annoyed. " it was not that bad"
He snorted even louder.
"Jason couldn't use his arm for a year!. All because he "accidentally" tripped you"
I through up my arms again annoyed, I didn't want to have this conversation.
"Well people should know not to fucking bother me on a bad day, or any day even."
He snorts.
"Fine" I say.
He looks up at me.
"I'm sorry" he says slowly.
I shrug.
" it's no big deal really. We'll get her back." I say slowly "it's just a matter of time" I continue.
"Yeah," he says in agreement.
I lay down on my bed more tense then I have been.
I felt bad for Vicky, she didn't deserve it.
She may have been an assassin, but she never wanted to be one.
"She didn't deserve it" David says knowing I was thinking the exact thing I was.
I just nod in agreement.
She was taken at the age of four because her whole city got burnt down, somehow agent F3 found her and decided she would take her in.
Vicky was a very kind soul, she didn't believe in violence and often whenever she could she would back down out of missions. I never questioned her motives, I knew she wasn't like the rest of us in that certain field.
But when she did have to go on missions she was very good at completing them. She is an amazing fighter, I remember we would train together all the time and it was actually a week ago that we were training together.
I remember the conversation to every last word we spoke.
Flash back one week ago
Monday 28th 6:34pm. (Training room x3.2)

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