"Ms. Sevem, it appears that you are causing drama in my dojo again."

"Sensei I only was doing what you told me- to strike first." [She stands up straight with her sensei right in front of her. Her hands behind her back obediently]

"Correct, but this isn't working out- it seems that your presence is a distraction." [He circles her like a shark. Scarlette's eyebrows fall, she looks around her as all of the students watch her. She groans] "You keep causing fights and drama among your fellow karate classmates."

"It's different because I'm a girl?" [Her obedient stance ends as she becomes angry and upset]

"Do you have a problem with that?" [He leans over to her intimidatingly. Scarlette stops looking him in the eyes, she shamefully looks at the floor when she responds to him]

"No Sensei." [She shakes her head, still standing obediently]

"You are dismissed."

"Sensei-" [Scarlette is shocked, her jaw drops and she hears others in her classroom gasp as well. She never thought that it'd come to this, she thought she was one of the best in his class. Scarlette looks up at her sensei surprised and her hands reach her sides and become fists. She tries to explain or defend herself but is interrupted]

"Sevem, you are no longer a part of this dojo! You are dismissed!" [His yell almost makes her jump. Her nose scrunches up and she opens her mouth as if she's about to argue, but it's too late- it was over now]

"Fuck this bullshit." [She shakes her head and grabs her stuff and heads for the door out, pushing Tommy aside as he was in front of the door. When she exits the dojo completely she steps back to look at the place that she spent 3 years training in. She shakes her head as she sees them train inside, as she would've done if she was still a part of Cobra Kai. She walks -with her posture low- towards Mr. Miyagi's, to Daniel. After a long and sad walk, Scarlette arrives at Miyagi's home. It's dark out- but she can see that Daniel is still training in the yard]

"Hey, stranger. You're early." [He smiles as he does his kata- the exercise he'd caught Scarlette doing so long ago. Scarlette makes a sad smile and puts her stuff down beside the door]

"Hey, Daniel." [She blankly responds as she walks closer to him. He wore a blue sleeveless shirt and the headband Mr. Miyagi had given to him]

"What's the matter?" [Daniel stops his kata when he sees that Scarlette is so upset. He steps closer to her and puts his arm on her shoulder. Mr Miyagi steps out of his house to see the two teens in the backyard- not alerting them of his presence yet. Scarlette stays slouched over as she responds to Daniel]

"I was kicked out of Cobra Kai." [She blankly replies with her head still down, just glancing at Daniel and not continuing to look him in the eyes. Daniel puts his hand on her chin, lifting her head up. He sees her frown and opens his arms, wanting her to hug him- which she does just that]

"I'm so sorry, Scar." [Daniel says as Scarlette gives into the hug, closing her eyes. She grips him tightly and close to her- making Daniel blush a little bit. Over Daniel's shoulder, Scarlette opens her eyes and sees Mr. Miyagi]

"Hello, Scarlette-San. What brings you here?" [The old man asks, he knows that's something is wrong. Scarlette lets go of Daniel, they both turn around to look at the Okinawan man]

"I was going to celebrate Daniel's birthday with him at Golf 'N Stuff later, he was going to pick me up-" [She sighs] "but I just got kicked out of my dojo." [She clenches her teeth a little bit as it makes her feel odd saying this out loud- she hadn't expected to be kicked out, especially with the tournament being so soon. She crosses her arms and shakes her head- kicking the pebbles on the ground]

"Snake dojo?" [He walks closer to them]

"Cobra K-" [She feels there's no point in correcting her old sensei this time] "It doesn't matter anymore, it's over." [She sits down on the patio of the backyard with her head in her hands as Daniel stands beside her with his hands in his pockets- he feel a bit responsible for Scarlette being kicked out of Cobra Kai]

"If it wasn't for me she'd probably still be in that dojo." [Daniel thinks as he looks at his gum friend. He sigh- although he strongly believes that the Cobra Kais were bad for Scarlette] "I least I got those assholes out of her life.." [He thinks, cutting himself some slack. But he still feels guilt]

"And I was supposed to fight the All Valley next week too.." [Scarlette shakes her head again, still looking at her feet]

"Maybe you need to find new dojo." [Scarlette's head raises suddenly, looking at her old sensei. She stands up, with another scrunch of her nose and pointed thick brows]

"I know where this is going, Mr. Miyagi." [She says, pointing her finger at the short old man. She steps away from him and towards the exit. She knows what the old man is about to propose, and she just didn't have the patience for it now- at least thats what she had thought] "Well I'm out of here. I'll see you at Golf 'N Stuff, Daniel-" [As she walks out, Daniel grabs her by the arm, calmly keeping her from leaving. She stops walking, still with her back to the old man. She groans] "What?" [She asks annoyed]

"Trust once in lifetime, maybe. Patient once in lifetime, maybe." [The old man wisely says- Scarlette turns back around in a slightly slow way] "Daniel-San, can I talk to Scarlette-San in private?" [Daniel nods and walks into the house- not disturbing them. Mr. Miyagi turns backt o his ex-student, who has her arms crossed- not wanting to listen to the old man but will try to, she felt intrigued after what Mr. Miyagi had said about trust and patience] "Daniel-San tell me that you do crane kick."

"Yes.." [She nods and responds, kicking pebbles again and looking at her feet. The old man rolls his eyes and attempts to kick her leg when she blocks it with her arm, sloppily but surely. They continue to spar, as Scarlette blocks his attacks- while not too cleanly. The fighting stops and Mr. Miyagi bows, Scarlette does so afterwards]

"Look eye! Always look eye!" [He declares loudly to Scarlette, pointing at her. She nods obediently] "Want to fight in tournament?"

"Yes.." [She obediently nods once more]

"Then must learn balance and Miyagi-Do karate." [Mr. Miyagi says, Scarlette nods firmly. Mr. Miyagi smiles, Scarlette smiles back. Daniel steps back outside ] "Daniel-San, we have new student." [Daniel smiles largely and rushes over to his crush and fellow karate student]

"Let's get started, then." [Daniel walks over to them and steps in front of Scarlette, as the two Miyagi-Do students begin to spar]

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