Chapter 10

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     Ron held his want high, and before I even realized the spell had been cast the words exited his mouth. The spell hit me so suddenly that I didn't have time to react, except, it didn't hurt. Instead, it was more of a bubbly sensation, warm and calm.
     Standing on one foot.
A voice in my head said. The voice was so welcoming, I want to do what I can to please it. I stand on my foot, the bubbly sensation intensaning. It makes my fingers tingle, as the voice comes again.
     Hand on head
My hand moved to my head. Before I knew it, the spell was broken by me getting knocked to the floor. Ron no longer had control of me, and most of the class had now finished spelling their partner. I looked around to see the reason me and so many other students in the left line had been knocked to the floor in a domino affect. Harry lay next to me, Hermione's spell still on him.
    "Stand Harry!" she demanded. He didn't. She ordered him again and he grunted, his fingers curled, but remained on the floor.
    "Well look at that!" Moody remarked, hobbling over. Hermione withdrew her spell, and Harry sat up, his eyes glossy in a daze like state. "Mr. Potter has resisted the Imperious curse! Well done! Now get up you buffoons, get ready to cast your spell."

I grab my bags and walk with Cedric out of the classroom once the bell struck.
    "Not very surprised Harry was the only one who could resist the curse," He said, starting up a conversation. I nod. Cedric had almost resisted his first command, but a few seconds later his foot was in the air. After him, no one even came close to what Harry did. The stones of the corridor floors make echos as students walk through them, and a hand grabs my shoulder stopping me.
    "Can we talk?" Harry's voice asks. I turn around, my stomach leaping into my chest. Cedric keeps walking, catching up with other Hufflepuffs leaving me completely alone.
    "Not here. Come," he says, taking my wrist. He leads me out of the castle, and in the fields as the bell sounds for dinner to begin.
    "We're going to be late for dinner," I begin to say. He lets go of my wrist and we stop in a little clearing, Hagrid's hut looming in the distance.
    "I um, I wanted to say i'm sorry for what happened, but i'm also not sorry for what happened. I thought that because of your father we couldn't be anything more than aquantaintses, so I don't know why that happened up there, but it did,"
    "So you're saying you didn't mean to?" I ask in uncertainty.
    "No. I'm saying that even though I didn't understand you at first, you're not evil. God, you're in Hufflepuff for goodness sake. So what I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry."
I smile softly.
    "Apology accepted."

     I wake up in my bed, Harry's apology from last night making me a little less nervous to compete against him today. I sit up, a note on my bed. The other girls in my dorm are already up and at it, most already dressed and prepped. Classes for today had been canceled for everyone, including the other schools. I grab the note as Susan Bones makes her way to my bedside.
    "Good luck today Olive. Do Hufflepuff a win," she says. I smile and nod, opening the letter.

     Dear Mrs. Riddle,
For today's events please note you will be allowed only a wand in the first task of the triwizard tournament. No types of Potions, Preused spells, or Felix Felicis of any kind. No outside help from any students, teachers, guardians, or upper authority of any kind. Please note that any of these uses will prohibit you from competing in the next task. Thank you, and good luck.

     I set the note down, and began changing. I place my wand into my suit's side pockets. I had chosen a rather tight fitting armored leather to fight, but it was enchanted to make movement easier in the tight leather. I knew exactly what spell I would use, even if it would only last for a few minutes. I just needed the Dragon to get distracted.

     Luna walks me to the Champions tent, where most the teachers and judges are crowded around to get a good look inside at the contestants. Rita Skeeter, who I knew all too well from her constant attempts to get into Malfoy Manor to interview the "Dark Lord's Daughter", was at the tents gate as well, her Cameraman zooming in on us as we walked in. I open the cloth and step inside, as Luna waves goodbye.
    "Good luck Olive!" she cheers in her happy voice. Then she turns around and skipps off to the stands.
    "Ah, here's the other hogwart champion," a voice says. I turn to see the famed seeker Victor Krum behind me. He wears nice leather armor like mine, and has his wand in hand. I nod to let him know I heard him.
    "Well then, good luck. I assume you won't last five minutes into this tournament."
    "And I bet vee will vast Longur zan you, Krum," Fleurs voice says, her accent heavy. "You forget who vee father is,"
    Before Krum can say anything more Harry comes into the tent, accompanied by Barty Crouch, Dumbldore, the other schools Headmistress and headmaster, Professor McGonagall and Rita skeeter. Barty looks at me with a glaring look before pulling out a small black leather bag.
    "Each of the champions will be drawing a dragon from this bag. The dragon you draw is just a miniature scale to the one you are to fight. Your goal in this task is to retrieve a single Egg the dragon is guarding, using only spells from your wand. Anything else is prohibited. Beuxbatons will draw and fight first, followed by Durmstrang, then the two Hogwarts champions. Is that clear?" he asks.     Everyone nods, and Fleur dips her hand into the bag, clasping it around a dragon. As soon as she pulls it out I recognized it. The Welsh Green, a common dragon, but just as dangerous as any. Krum dips his hand in next, swiping up what Barty says is a Chinese Firebolt. Dumbldore nods for me to go and I slip my hand into the bag, pulling out the wiggly creature. It squirms to get out of my hands but I hold its tail tightly. It has a beautiful blue tint to it.
    "The Sweedish Short Snout. Known for its motherly protection over its eggs," Barty says, holding the bag out for Harry. He carefully dips his hand but quickly pulls it out with his dragon. Its covered in spikes, and squirms around Harry's clenched fingers
    "The Hungarian Horntail. Yes, quite a feisty beast. Alrighty. Miss Delacleur, you are first, please make your way to the arena."

Victor, Harry and I sit on the cots in the tent, each dreading our turns. At the sound of the bell we know Fleur has taken her Golden egg, and Krum stands, heading out into the arena.
    "Do you know what you're going to do?" Harry asks quietly.
    "I have a plan. How well it will work, i'm not sure. Draco taught me a spell when I used to homeschool with Narcissa. Hopefully if I concentrate I can hold it long enough to distract the dragon," I say to him.
    "What spell could you possibly use for a distraction? What are you going to do, shoot fire at it?"
The bell sounds again. Krum took his egg. I stand to go into the arena, and Harry takes my hand, pulling me back.
    "Good Luck,"

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