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Why did she leave rushing two days ago? Two days passed and l still think about her. What is mentally wrong with me? Ariana Mendoza is not my type. She is so uptight and if she is after something she always gets it. If she aint my type why am l thinking about her? I need some fun and l know you know what l mean. Maybe she will be out of my mind after today.

I hear a knock and my assistant comes in.

Morning sir. Oh you are not dressed yet? He asked. Why do l need to be dressed. Is he gay for me? I would not blame him. After all l am a sex god in a suit. Every woman is after me and it seems as if her might be too.

What do you mean Dom? Is there anything important? I asked him

Well sir you have a meeting with Miss Mendoza in 30 minutes. As soon as those words left his mouth l was shocked. How did l not know about this? I have to get ready to impressWoah tiger. What did l just say? Impress her? Why would l need to do that.

Okay l will be there soon. I got dressed quickly. Being late for a meeting with her would be my end. I got in my car and went to her office. The receptionist looked hot and she was openly flirting with me. I started making a conversation with her that l forgot about my meeting. What made me remember was when she step in the lobby looking like a goddess. She was looking different today wearing a figure-hugging black dress that was so not helping whatever what l am feeling. Her lipstick was a dark, bold red lipstick. She seemed like she liked red a lot.

Miss Adams pack your stuff and go she said. She looked mad but still remained to look like a lady.

Since you love talking so much now you have all the time. You can now go and be a whore and slut. Bye. Miss Ericks you will take over. Better do your work well or else you will also be fired. And you. She said now pointing her finger at me. You are late and you cannot afford to be late she said. Why is she in a bad mood?

Oh come on Ariana. I mean Miss Mendoza. Do not be a sour grape in this beautiful weather l said while following her to the elevator. We were going to the top floor all by ourselves so l decided to be fun and start singing.

Can you stop that awful singing she said clearly annoyed with me. I went in front of her and we were only separated by a few inches. She looked more beautiful up close. Her eyes were shining no matter what mood she was in.

Tell me that Miss Mendoza gain l said

She looked me straight in the eyes and said Stop that awful singing. A dying bird sounds better and get away from me or else l will chop off your dick and feed it to my dogs she said with a smug and my expression dropped. I did not leave her as l went closer only to be interrupted by the elevator. The fuck! What were you doing Adam? Snap out of it. We went t her office and on the way some very hot ladies looked at me. Now that is something l will not complain about.

Sit she said sternly. Was she talking to me?

Now Miss Mendoza l am not a dog. So do not dare try and treat me like one!

Oh you actually heard that. Good now sit or pay the consequences she said. I have never let a woman run or even walk all over me and she was not going to be the first. What a bitch!

Mr. Auderalli you may call me a dog or a bitch and l will never give a fuck about it okay. I have been called worse she said. Shit! Did l speak loudly. I am pretty sure l did not. Was she a mind reader. She has voodoo.

Well this will be an interesting partnership l said. She did not seem to hear me so l jus followed what she was saying. We talked about how we would work and all that other shit. This was now getting boring. 2hours passed and l was in hell

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