"I-I'm glad I did," I patted her back before pulling away from her. "I hope everything works out well for the both of you. I wish you all the best."


It's currently 5pm. Yuqi went back to her room an hour ago, so I decided to make something in the kitchen and check Shuhua's condition.

"Yeh Shuhua?" I knocked on her door, but she didn't answer.

The door was unlocked, so I just entered with a tray containing a bowl of soup and a glass of water. I saw her lying on the bed, underneath the comforters. She looked weak.

I carefully placed the tray on her bedside table when she suddenly opened her eyes.

"Abby Unnie?"

I immediately smiled at her. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"I'm a bit dizzy.. but it's not that bad," she replied in a low voice.

I placed the back of my hand on her forehead and just felt enough warmth. She didn't have the usual fever burn, but just to be sure, I still decided to check her temperature with a thermometer and saw that she's currently at 37.3C.

"You have a slight fever," I worriedly said to her as I sat beside her. "You were okay earlier, so what happened?"

"I'm not sure, but maybe the exhaustion from last night's schedule is kicking in late.. I sweated a lot and forgot to change my shirt," she explained. "You don't have to worry about me though Abby Unnie, I think I just need to rest.."

I sighed. "Come on, I told you to take care of yourself.. I'm always worried about you the most."

Her eyes brightened up a little after hearing that. "R-Really?"

I nodded. "Of course."

She's the youngest member and it definitely always feels like I should protect her at all cost.

"You know Abby Unnie, except for the members, you're the closest person that I have to family right now.." she said. "I tend to get homesick a lot, but you helped me to overcome it."

Her whole family lives in Taiwan, maybe this is why I've always felt like she's my little sister inside the dorm.. because we share the same longingness for family. I'm sure she misses them as much as I miss mine.

"I feel the same way. You're my only family.. Yeh Shuhua. This group is all I have right now," I replied.

I'm an orphan with no close relatives. I could be just one of the people that they consider important to them, but to me.. they're all I have right now. I'm living my life for them.. not just because I needed money to survive anymore, but because I love them.

Things were becoming a bit depressing for the both of us, so I decided to change the topic. "Hey, you should definitely get better and eat up."

I took the soup from the tray and scooped some of it with a spoon. I wanted to feed her, but she just stared at it without saying anything.

"W-What is it?" I confusedly asked. "Does the soup look bad?"

She immediately shook her head and smiled. "It's not that, Abby Unnie.. I'm just happy that your concern never changed for us, even after everything that has happened between the group, you're still taking care of me like how you would've done when you first came into the dorm."

"Of course.." I couldn't help but feel emotional with what she said. We've really been through a lot. "I'm your dorm keeper, Yeh Shuhua. Everything inside the dorm is in my care, including all of you."

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