Chapter 1: New Home x2

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A/N: Sorry for making you wait until now for the update that was supposed to happen two days ago. I'm tired and my mind is blank so onto the chapter. Oh wait. I think this one is way longer than the prologue chapters, but I'm not entirely sure so just a warning. Kinda. 

TW for this chapter: Mentions of abuse, panic attack, crying, homelessness, mentions of nightmares  *IF I MISSED ANY LET ME KNOW*


Izuku's POV:

"So I'm sick??" I asked. He shook his head. "It's not that you're sick it's that your brain works in a different way." I nodded. "Let's go inside the school so we can talk in more length." The doctor told us. I nodded. We went inside and to a room labeled 'Principal's Office.'

He knocked on the door. I heard a small "Come in!" before we entered. I followed behind Mr.Aizawa, keeping close. When I peeked around his legs I saw a tall black chair but it wasn't facing us. Then it swiveled around. I flinched back. "Principal Nezu. There's some people that I want you to meet." Tsukauchi told him. "Yes, very well." Aizawa looked at me and nodded, encouraging me to step forward. I did so cautiously and what I saw surprised me. The principal looked like a mix between a rat and a bear. "This is Izuku Aizawa. My adopted son. His father was a rogue hero." He nodded. "This is Dr.Kobayashi. We brought him here to assess Izuku's mental state and he was going to share the results with us." He nodded.

3rd POV:

"Very well I shall get on with it then. After hearing what Tsukauchi and Aizawa have experienced while interacting with Izuku, and after hearing some information from Izuku himself, I have come to the conclusion that Izuku has a disorder." Kobayashi started. This piqued Nezu's curiosity. "First I will explain what it is and then I will explain some tips that might help. This disorder is called Dissociative Identity Disorder. From a young age the personality isn't fully developed and integrated. That only happens after the age of 8 or 9. When a child is abused repetitively and mercilessly the conscious splits into multiple states putting up amnesiac walls between them. Now the multiple states of consciousness are formed into different personalities and ways of thinking, most often referred to as alters. So when a different alter is in control of the host's body, the host or in this case, Izuku wouldn't remember anything. Same goes for other alters." He explained. (I realize that wasn't a great explanation but if you read the info chapter you should know all about it.)

"Interesting. I will do some more research on this as it has piqued my curiosity." Nezu stated. Kobayashi nodded. "Now here's some tips for around the house and normal life.1) Leave reminders around the house about daily chores or important dates. 2) Every morning check to see who is in control of the body or as we call it fronting. 3) Switches occur naturally and all day so you need to be careful about how you address them." He turned to Aizawa "You are Izuku's parent, but that does not go for all of them. As you meet alters make sure you introduce yourself as Izuku's parent and any others who live in your household. Any other information you need to know or further tips I will send via email.

I must go now I have another appointment." He walked out and left. (Keep in mind Izuku is 10 at this point yes but he's also really smart so he understands.) Izuku ran and hid behind Aizawa. "Wanna go..." He said faintly.

Aizawa's POV:

After Dr.Kobayashi left Izuku looked at the door for about 10 seconds before he ran behind me. I barely heard it but there was a faint "Wanna go..." I kneeled down and put my hand on his shoulder. "Alright let's go home. It's pretty late." (It's like 6 at this point due to paperwork and drive time and stuff.) I took his hand and we went to the car. He fell asleep on the way and when we got there I left him in the car so that I could explain 'being quiet' to a certain loud blonde and my other kid. When I walked in as usual I was tackled by Hisashi and Hitoshi together. "Yes, yes I'm home but we need to talk and we need to talk quickly." They looked at each other before looking back at me. "What's happened now?" Hitoshi asked. "Well your dad might not be as surprised but you have a new brother. He's in the car sleeping right now. But you need to be absolutely quiet. You'll meet him in the morning. Much like you Hitoshi when up until now he was treated badly so we need to be careful with what we do until he trusts us. Something else you need to know is, he has dissociative identity disorder.

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