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Oof if my writing style has changed that is because in the last chapter I thought the writing style looked a bit weird so I tried to make it look better in this chapter, goodbye now, and enjoy ya beautiful chicken nuggets


Hahah welcome to the pov of Todd

I sat in my room, him, I can't stop thinking about tom, I want to make a
Picture for him today, all I can do is hope that he doesn't think that it's weird...

I mean we yell at each other and glare at each other but I hate doing that, my feelings for him as grown and the thing is my 'little space' might stop my dreams if he doesn't like it, (meanings tords little space), I'm worried if I tell him the truth he'll leave me, and it's gonna hurt me....

And I hate beings hurt, I'll just sob and that's embarrassing

I got up and began walking to my desk, as I walked to it I stopped for a second, 'what if he doesn't like it, what if he just rip it..." I shook my head, 'no don't think that! He will like it!!! Tommy will like it!!!'

I smiled brightly before sitting down, I  began drawing the drawing, I swang my legs back and forth humming happily, I went into my little space again and putted some flowers but not to many, im still worried that he may not like it but im just hoping he does, I colored the inside of it and  drew tom, me, Edd, and matt, I giggled

7 minutes later

I finally got done with the drawing and ran to tom, who was on the couch, drinking Smirnoff, silly tommy!!! I then went to him before getting nervous all over again. I just went to him and poked his shoulder

He turned around and looked at me, "what you want?" He asked, clearly annoyed. I handed him the drawing and smiled brightly. He softly took it and looked at it then looked at me confused, "I kinda w-wanted to d-d-draw y-you something si-since we've been yelling and Aguring i-i-i thought a drawing may h-help tense it d-down a bit" I smiled

Tom just looked at me confused even more, but shrugged, "well.. Okay.. Thanks I guess". I nodded and walked back to my room, " Chu welcome Tommie!!!!", tom looked at the drawing before he chuckled a bit but quickly turned his head where I was "wait what did you call me???" He asked, I Quickly ran to my room, "N-N-NOTHING!!!!-"

I quickly jumped on my bed and hid my face, "d-d-d-d-dang iitt!!! D-d-dummy dummy!! I-i-i a dummy!!!" I said in my pillow, my face was red, I can't believe I did that, he's gonna find out!!! oh nu!!!! I quickly began to hug my teddy, he always calms me down.

I smiled as my brain drifted, it drifted off to space to where I will soon fall asleep and dream


Hi hey hello, I made an other chapter and I hope y'all like it, this was kinda a all Tord POV so I might make the next chapter all of Tom's POV, soooo ye, just wanted to say that, Bai Bai💞❤✨✨🌈

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