Is This a Bunny Slipper Occasion?

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Chapter Forty-Six: Is This a Bunny Slipper Occasion?

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry always looked eerie at night. The building was the tallest structure for miles, no pollution effected the skies, and the moon was almost always visible. In colder winters, like the one that year, clouds would gather and attempt to block out natural moonlight. Wind rushed through open breezeways and arches creating a low howling noise. The entire building seemed to speak and move, always wide awake. Or, at least, that's how one fairly dramatic seventh-year seemed to imagine it.

Jamie Devereaux Bruce was resting uneasily in her bed when she heard a noise. Her sleep had been improving gradually throughout the month, but Jamie still found herself awake at odd hours in the night. The door to her dorm-room creaked open slowly. The blonde witch watched a shadow of a head poke around the door before a tall, thin figure walked in. Minerva McGonagall seemed surprised to see Jamie awake, "Grab your shoes, Jamie."

Movement came from Alicia's bed as she turned over in her sleep. Jamie paused mid-way off of her bed in fear of waking her roommates. When it remained silent, the Gryffindor girl grabbed her shoes and robe, following McGonagall down the curved staircase and into the common room. Standing by the fire was Fred, George, and Ginny Weasley. They all looked tired and just as confused as Jamie. The little witch walked toward Fred Weasley who greeted her with a lazy smile, "Nice jammies, Jamison." They were a matching set patterned with bees, a present from Loren Bruce who enjoyed making fun of her daughter at all moments, especially when she was not around to see it.

A dimple appeared on one of her cheeks, "Where are your bunny slippers, Fredward."

"Those are only for special occasions." Fred responded. Minerva waved one of her long sleeves in their direction, ushering all four of them out of the common room.

"Where are we going?" Ginny Weasley asked. The youngest Weasley looked particularly put out about being dragged out of bed in the middle of the night. Her robe was askew and Jamie was fairly certain Ginny's shoes were on the wrong feet.

The Transfiguration Professor didn't look at the children she was leading through the castle when she responded in a grave voice, "Dumbledore's office."

Ginny immediately turned on the twins and Jamie Devereaux, "What did you do?"

All three of the accused hands went up, "Who says we did anything?" The twins asked together.

Their younger sister narrowed her eyes, "You always do something. The day mum said would happen has finally come. You've gotten yourselves expelled and taken poor Jamie down with you."

"Bold of you to assume it isn't my fault we're all getting expelled." Jamie said.

"Nobody is getting expelled!" McGonagall said, stopping in her tracks. She was exasperated at the sheer energy they seemed to have this early in the morning. "Damnit." George said under his breath. Minerva shot him a look before continuing on her path to The Headmaster's office, "There has been a family emergency. Mr. Potter saw your father injured." At once all three Weasley's began speaking over one another and walking much faster. Fred's hand gripped Jamie's. "Professor Dumbledore will answer your questions." McGonagall's voice was calm. The professor said the password to get past the Headmaster's statue. When the group of Gryffindor's entered the large study, Harry Potter was already there, sitting in a chair and looking very confused. Ron Weasley joined his siblings.

Fred looked shaken as Ginny asked what was wrong with their father. Jamie squeezed the hand still holding hers. Fred looked down and gave a pained smile. Ever capable in terrifying situations, Jamie whispered, "Is this a bunny slipper occasion?" Fred coughed, covering up a smile with the back of his hand. He released Jamie's grasp in order to pull the little blonde closer to his side.

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