You Did Call Me Mummy Once

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Chapter Forty-Two: You Did Call Me Mummy Once

Halloween was usually Jamie Devereaux Bruce's favorite Holiday outside of Christmas. She loved how every year her mother would send her another thing to dress up as in order to celebrate the day. Jamie also loved the giant feast that would leave her feeling both ill and content. This year, however, was different. Without Loren Bruce's mail, the holiday already seemed to be falling short. Jamie woke up far later than usual, wasn't even able to look in the mirror before Angelina and Alicia forced her to head to the Great Hall. She hadn't even had time to put on her pumpkin earrings she had gotten four Halloween's ago.

Jamie Devereaux sat at the Gryffindor table, eating her breakfast mutely as she listened to the other seventh years exchanging pleasantries. The rest of the day was pretty similar. Jamie spoke when spoken to, but wasn't completely engaged in anything around her. Even in Defense Against the Dark Arts she didn't so much as make a snide remark under her breath to Fred Weasley. Fred recognized that this was not a good sign. In charms class that afternoon, Fred turned to his twin brother, his eyes not leaving Jamie's back as she sat next to Angelina. "Do you know what's wrong with Jamie?"

George looked at the blonde witch and shot his brother a confused look, "Wouldn't you know?" He paused for a moment, "It is weird though, normally Jamie gets super into Halloween." His memory briefly went to their third year when Jamie had worn a red cape instead of a cloak through the halls of Hogwarts. She would also rip open her white button down to reveal a blue shirt whenever someone asked who she was. Only Muggleborns seemed to get it.

Fred's mouth dropped and he whispered harshly, "It's Halloween? Why didn't you bloody tell me?"

"It's the same day every year."

There was sharp slap on George's arm from his twin, "You should have known I don't pay attention to dates." Fred whined, "I feel like a git. Jamie loves Halloween and now she's not getting anything from her mum because of Umbridge. I should have...I don't know, what could I do?"

George shrugged, "Maybe try being less of a shit boyfriend." He gave Fred a slap in retaliation.

Professor Flitwick saw movement in the corner of his eye and witnessed the two Weasley twins trying to place each other in a headlock. One of Fred's feet was balanced against the desk as both his arms were wrapped around his brother's neck. George Weasley was hitting Fred's arm repeatedly and making obnoxious choking noises that drew everyone's attention to the two tall red-heads. "What—what on earth are you two doing?" Flitwick squeaked, his short legs bringing him closer to their desk in hopes of disrupting their behavior.

"Hugging." Fred and George chorused together.

The charms Professor looked from the Weasley boys around the classroom, helplessly. "Five points—Each!" His eyes landed on Jamie Devereaux, "Will you please corral these two, Miss Bruce."

Jamie blinked, surprised that she was placed in charge. The blonde witch turned toward the twins, who were now partially off of each of their chairs. Jamie stuck a finger out and wagged it in the air, "Bad." She said.

Angelina giggled beside her and also put her finger out in a small wiggle, "Very bad."


The feast in the Great Hall was just as grand as it was every year. It didn't matter that there was now a pink devil sitting at the head table. Food was everywhere and Jamie Devereaux Bruce was excited to over-indulge. That is, if the red-head next to her allowed her to.

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