"Benedict and I were alone in the study and... and we kissed," I tell her. Daphne gasps. "And Anthony caught us."

"Diana..." Daphne starts.

"Benedict called it a mistake," I state. I shake my head. "But I do not feel the same."

"You love him don't you?" Daphne asks. I nod my head, my voice failing me. "I can speak with him."

I shake my head. "No. No. He made it clear how he feels. And I regret it. Anthony will not even let us out of his sight. Now I feel it hard to even just be friends with Benedict."

Rose walks into the room. "The carriage is waiting, ma'am. We must prepare for the queen's luncheon."

"Could I go with you? You could be my chaperone," I say.

Daphne chuckles. "Me your chaperone? Who would have thought?"

The Queen's tea is sure to be a bore. I have lost all hope of finding a husband this season. I have spent most of my time with Benedict just to have him call me a mistake.

"Diana. We should talk," Benedict tells me.

"About what, Benedict?" I question.

"About what happened the other day," Benedict tells me.

"The other day?" I pretend to think. "I do not know what you are talking about."

"Di, do not act like this," Benedict tells me.

Mr. Granville and his wife approach Benedict and I. "I've missed you at the studio of late. You must join me for another drawing lesson. As I said, improvement is all a matter of practice."

"At least, that is the excuse he gives for coming home with paint in all kinds of peculiar places," Mrs Granville remarks.

Benedict giggles.

"Were you able to meet my friend Wetherby at my party?" Mr. Granville asks. "Come, I shall introduce you."

"No, thank you." Benedict looks over his shoulder. "I... I see my mother requires Miss Featherington and I's presence. Good day!"

I smile at the couple as Benedict ushers me away.

"Diana may we please continue our conversation?" Benedict asks.

I shake my head. "I have nothing more to say."

"Diana please," Benedict begs.

"Good afternoon," I say before walking off.

"Diana," Benedict says.

I ignore him and continue walking. I spot my family walking into the tea. Aunt Featherington walks right over to Lady Bridgerton.

"My dear Lady Bridgerton... is this not a dreadful circumstance, for us both to have been so duped by that scheming hussy? To think that Miss Thompson would take advantage of my kindness after I opened my home to her. You must believe, I had no idea of..." Aunt Featherington starts.

Lady Bridgerton says nothing as she walks off.

"Lady Featherington, I must ask you to leave," a servant tells her.

"But I have an invitation," Aunt Featherington protests.

"Not anymore. I am sure you wish to avoid any further unpleasantness," the servant remarks.

I leave with my family no longer wishing to be at the tea. I just wish for the season to be finished.

A knock on my door draws my attention from my book.

"Daphne? Why on earth are you here?" I question.

"I came to speak with Miss Thompson," Daphne tells me.

"I am sure your mother was most unpleased to hear that," I state.

"I did not tell her," Daphne explains.

"Probably for the best," I offer.

"I saw you and Benedict speaking at the tea before you left," Daphne says. I nod my head. "Might I ask what you were speaking about?"

"We did not speak. Benedict wished to talk about what happened and I did not," I tell her. I shake my head. "As I do not wish to speak of it now." I force a smile. "So tell me how has your honeymoon been?"

"It has been blissful. Something I wish that you to will get to experience one day soon," Daphne tells me. I smile. "Will I see you at the concert tonight?"

I shake my head. "No the Featheringtons are not invited."

"Well you will not be missing much," Daphne assures.

"And whatever I do miss I am sure to read about in Lady Whistledown's paper tomorrow," I tell her.

Dearest reader, a question. Is anything more exhilarating than taking a gamble? For it is often the highest risk that carries the greatest reward. Yet, wager wrongly, and you might find yourself left with nothing but regret.

Of course, one can never know for sure whether a wager will make a fortune or ruin it, unless one chooses a more secure pursuit. But as the season continues, the biggest gamblers have yet to truly show their hand... which leaves gossip in short supply in recent days. In fact, this author can think of no other event that merits a mention.

It is worthy of note, however, that the Duke and Duchess of Hastings have yet to entertain callers together. Our newlyweds are no doubt still secluded in nuptial bliss. Who could fault them? And who could be surprised if their diligent efforts are rewarded with a new arrival within the year.

Without warning Penelope bursts into my room.


"I'm sorry, Di, but Benedict is waiting for you at the servants entrance," Penelope tells me.

"Benedict Bridgerton?" I ask.

Penelope nods. "Yes and he wishes to speak to you."

"Alright. Thank you Pen," I tell her. "Please do not tell your mother about this."

"I would never," Penelope assures me.

I head down to the servants entrance. I open the door and Benedict is waiting there for me.

"Should you not be at the concert?" I question.

"I know you do not wish to speak to me, but please just listen," Benedict tells me.

"Benedict..." I start.

"Please," Benedict pleads.

I close the door behind me and head farther into the yard away from listening ears. I wait for Benedict to continue.

"I had a realisation tonight. Well rather Mr Granville of all people made me realise something," Benedict tells me. I nod my head as I cross my arms over my chest. "I am the second son. I am not bound by the rules of society."

"So you came to tell me that you are free while I sit waiting around for some man to marry me so I might yet get away from this house and these people?" I ask.

"No. I came to tell you that you are my dearest friend, Diana." He takes a step towards me. "And that I cannot live without you in my life." Benedict puts his hand on my check. "What I said the other day. Our kiss was not a mistake." He places his other hand on my waist. "I have thought about nothing but you since that day. I love you."

I look at Benedict in shock. He loves me. Benedict Bridgerton loves me.

"I love you too," I confess.

Benedict smiles as he places his lips on mine. Benedict grabs hold of me pulling me closer to him. After a moment Benedict pulls away leaving me breathless.

"We cannot go further," Benedict tells me. I nod. "But I will make a right woman out of you. I shall ask your uncle for permission to wed."

I smile widely. "It is too late tonight and I am in no rush. So long as I know you love me I will be content."

Benedict smiles as he kisses me one more time.

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