Chapter 1

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All rights reserved including the cover..

Astrid's POV

"I don't get it... how can someone be so brutal?" Kara by best friend complained as I closed my locker "Who in their right minds would kill a poor penguin? I swear they belong in a mental institute"

"I know right who in their right minds would give a pop quiz on algebra?" Abby exaggerated annoying Kara.

"I hate you" she mumbled at Abby who just wrapped an arm around Kara's shoulder "you love me"

"Your right I love you" Kara responded at Abby's comment.

"And I love chocolate" I interrupted not wanting to feel left out.

"No. You love us" Abby corrected me.

"True but you know what I hate? Lucy.. and speaking of the devil" I said to my best friends as I saw the plastic bitch herself walking down the halls in her five inch heals.

I might hate her but I don't know how she does it. Last time I wore a heal was when Abby and Kara forced me to.. that was one inch and I ended up fracturing my ankle. I haven't worn one ever since.

"What up bitches?" Clair asked as she draped her arm around my shoulder as Abby did to Kara.

"I can't believe you would leave me alone here" I scolded Clair "I felt like a third wheel"

She merely just laughed at me "sorry.. I sort of had a problem to deal with"

"Your parents?" Kara was the one to ask.

"Yeah.. the divorce is taking its effect alright. My dads out there drunk on the streets and my moms been in her room for a week straight. She only comes down to eat. Ethan's worried about them and so am I. I can't keep telling him it's gonna be alright when I don't know it for sure... sorry if I'm bombarding you with my problems" she added the last part.

Ethan was Clair's six year old little brother. He's the sweetest little thing. I don't know why god put this up on a small boy. Clair's parents were that one couple everyone thought was perfect. They never argued or anything till one day they just divorced. No one knows why not even Clair.

"Don't worry Clair. Things will get better in time. Both you and Ethan just need a break. Why don't we have a sleepover on Friday?" Abby suggested.

"Yeah. Ethan could have some fun with Lilly and I'll bring Lara too. Astrid can bring Aaron" Kara placed in her opinion as we walked dow the halls.

"Like a double date?" Clair sniggered "last time we brought them together Aaron kissed Lara and Ethan... he went down on one knee in front of Lilly with a small wire he molded into a ring. Your sister slapped the poor boy" She said towards Abby as I chuckled remembering the memory.

"You gotta admit they were pretty cute" I stated as a matter of fact sitting down at our usual table for lunch.

"Your right.. only Ethan had a red handprint on his cheek instead of a blush" Kara added in as she and the rest took their place.

"Hey Astrid" I heard someone call from behind me interrupting our conversation. When I turned around I saw Lucas trying not to laugh "Have you seen your car?"

"What did you do?" I asked in a careful tone getting up.

"Oh I didn't do anything... but why don't you go see for yourself" he said and erupted in a fit of laughter as I ignored him walking out of the cafeteria and outside towards my car.

To say I was mad was an understatement. I was furious. Someone managed to clear out enough time from their life to not only hit my car but to literally trash it full on with paint and everything and that someone just happens to be Zayden Fucking West.

He hadn't noticed me yet as he trashed the car right in front of me. When he finished breaking all of the windows he turned to face me. At first it had a bit of anger but that turned into amusement when he saw my face.

"You okay woods?.. looking a bit red on the cheeks" he asked walking over to me with one last hit to my car.

"You just trashed my car" I gritted out the obvious glaring at him.

"Oh that was your car? My bad... If you want I could make it up to you... a date or a kiss?" He quizzed me as if I would choose. This arrogant little-

"Money. Enough to repair my car" I answered not holding back the rage radiating off of my tone.

"Well you see. The problem with that is. It wasn't in the options I gave" he muttered as if that was all he had to say "now if you'll excuse me. I'm kind of busy right now"

I didn't hold back.. my anger took control and within seconds there was red had print plastered on his cheek "Like I give a fuck" I practically yelled at him.

"Look. I'm gonna be nice alright. Leave me alone and quit bothering me" he let out not liking the fact I had just slapped him.

"No. You are going to fix my car or at least give me an apology" I argued back as he leaned down.

"I could kill you. You know that? So shut up and get lost. I'm done" he scolded me as if I were a child pointing towards the other side of the road.

"Your going to regret ever laying a hand on my baby trust me" was the last thing I said before walking off as Lucus stayed there.


"He did that?" Kara exclaimed when she saw my baby "oh you have got to get him back"

"Oh trust me I will" I told them honestly.

"What are you gonna do?" Clair asked me as she leaned against her car.

"I don't know.. yet anyway" I murmured "you know I gave him a chance to just end it all with an apology but no. That arrogant ass just has to keep his ego"

"Ouch. I feel hurt" the devil himself spoke up from behind me as I turned towards him.

"Good" I shot at him with venom lacing my tone.

"You know if you keep making me feel that unwanted than I might just end up killing myself. Who knows I might just be suicidal" he said dramatically placing a hand on his heart.

"Well than. If you ever decide to commit it than I'll let you know. The best and most effective way is to climb up your ego and jump to your IQ. Oh and please feel free to leave an apology at my doorstep before you do" I smiled sweetly at him.

"You know you could just ask for a kiss instead" he stated.

"Sorry but I like fresh people not used toys" that simple line seemed to have caught him off guard "besides I have to go"

I turned around and walked over to Clair's car where she sat ready to go. Clair agreed to give me a ride as my mom arranged for someone to toe my car away.

"Where are the rest?" I asked as I got comfortable in my seat.

"Left" she let out before driving off.

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