7. How bad is it?

Start from the beginning

"Techno!" Jay screamed as they neared the house. "Techno help!" She stumbled and they slipped into the snow, Tommy groaning at the impact. Jay felt hot tears slip down her cheeks as she tried helplessly to haul her much taller brother up again, her muscles aching with the strain.

"Techno please!" She called again as they got closer. The kids collapsed on the steps, exhausted. "Techno!" She tried once more, chest heaving with labored breaths.


There was no sound as the snow fell to the ground, beginning to coat the siblings in a thin white layer.

Then the door swung open with Techno pointing his sword out.

"What do you- Jay?" He asked, looking down at them. Tommy was fully unconscious at that point, and Jay was nearing it.

"Help." She whispered, voice rough from screaming. Techno rushed down the stairs and began to wrap his arms around her. "Tommy first." She managed out, pushing herself up with the last strength she had. Techno grabbed ahold of the smaller boy and carried him inside and up the stairs. Jay slowly made her way up the steps and into the warm house, wandering with heavy feet up the stairs into Technos bedroom.

Techno had already laid Tommy on his bed, assessing his injuries.

"How bad is it?" She asked, practically falling onto the couch.

"Bad." He said quietly, shaking his head. "Go ahead and sleep, we can talk in the morning." He said, helping her remove her armor and laying a blanket over her. Jay didn't have to be told twice, she laid back and slipped into unconsciousness almost instantly.


She awoke in Technos house, but she wasn't on the couch anymore. Next to her, Tommy was sleeping silently. Techno must have moved her over onto the bed in the night. She heard voices downstairs, and sat up. She felt a pull around her arm and looked down. Techno must have bandaged up some of her cuts as well. She glanced to her little brother, all wrapped in white bandages and breathing shallowly. Even his face was coated in the white gauze, across his eyes and forehead. She brushed a hand through his hair and sighed. If only she had been quicker maybe she could have saved him.

No. She couldn't think like that. If there was one thing she had learned it was that regret didn't get you anywhere. She pushed herself up, legs still sore, and slowly made her way downstairs. The voices became louder as she neared the first floor.

"Techno, I understand, but you have to know where I was coming from. All of those other kids were in danger. It was Tommy or them!"

"So you choose Tommy. You choose Tommy every time. Just like the rest of us do. We're family dad, that's what you do when you're family." Techno responded. He only stopped when Jay reached the bottom step. "Hey Cordelia, how are you feeling?" He asked, walking over to her and helping her over to a chair.

"Tired." She managed out, throat still rough.

"I can imagine." He grabbed a vial and began spreading a clear gel onto her cheeks and hands. "Burn cream," he explained, "it should help to heal you." She nodded and allowed him to continue.

"Hungry hun?" Phil asked, holding out a plate with fruit stacked on top. She took the plate out of his hands, allowing Techno to wrap her fingers in gauze as she munched on apple and orange slices.

Soon, the plate was empty and her hand were covered in soft white fabric.

"How is Tommy?" She asked, looking up at her older brother.

"The burns were bad. Like really bad. Especially on his arms and chest. Like they were purposeful. He had long gashes on his back and legs, very clearly not by him and also very clearly put there methodically." He sighed. "Lots of bruises all over, and he's severely malnourished. I can't even imagine the psychological damage he's going to have when he wakes up." He shook his head. "But recovery for you first. We can't do much until Tommy wakes up. Go back upstairs and get some rest."


"Nope, no buts. Dad and I will make sure Tommy is okay. For right now, you take care of you." He said. She sighed and stood, there was no point in fighting with her brother. She made her way towards the stairs.

"Oh, by the way, Techno." She started before heading into the bedroom. "Dream is responsible. I am going to kill him after this." She said, determined. And with that she walked up the stairs.


Y'all! We hit 1k reads! Thank you all so so much!!!! Also, hi, hello, I hope you liked the angst. Very much adequate.

I really enjoy writing like this so let me know what you guys would like to see more of? Thank you thank you thank you for all the reads and votes! It really makes my day. Also, please comment what you guys are liking. I'd love to read some suggestions.

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