chpt. 2

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( hey! i just wanted to quickly let you guys know that this story won't follow the exact story line of the actual anime/manga. there will be some parts that definitely don't line up, but will help the story flow better. :)))) )

(F/N's pov)

You got up to your feet to see Captain Levi glaring at you with the same, pissed off face he gave you when you ran into him in the hallway this morning.

"I'm so sorry Captain. I don't know why we keep running into each other like this." I said, looking down at my feet so maybe he wouldn't see my face turn bright red.

"L/N, meet me at the stables at dusk. After dinner. I have something in store that may not cause you to fall at my feet all the time, brat." replied Levi.

I was terrified. "I-Okay Captain." He was already walking away.

Why? Why am I so goddamn stupid and clumsy? It's like every time I see him, my feet just stop working and I fixate on him, and only him, not even able to control myself.

I wonder what Levi "has in store" that is supposedly going to help me. But most likely hurt me.

(Levi's pov)

Fuck, that L/N, what is going on? Am I really that scary where she falls when she sees me? I mean she had guts to not pay attention when she ran into me in the hallway. But then to trip in front of me while running?

I've always kept an eye on F/N. She seems to be at the top of her class during training. And even keeps a steady pace afterwords when running the laps I gave her. So what's the deal with the clumsy ness? Is it me?

At this point I sorta feel bad for her. So, I invited, well forced her into meeting me at the stables at dusk. She might think I'm going to punish her for being clumsy, which I still might, that stupid bitch. But I'm going to try a different approach. Maybe she'll be the one person that likes me here.

She is very pretty anyways. But so fucking clumsy.

(F/N's pov)
I returned to HQ and went to my room. I changed out of my uniform into some comfortable clothes. I then realized that the sun was setting.

"Shit. He's going to kill me." I thought.

Then a loud knock came from outside my door.

"F/N!! Are you in there??"

It was Hange's voice. Her and I have been pretty close friends since I started here. Although she can be pretty nosey and loud, she is always there for me.

I opened the door.

"F/N, girl, what are you doing later? I wanted to know if you wanted to come see Sawney and Bean with me. I wanted to tell you about some research I found today!"

I honestly didn't want to tell her about my meeting with Levi because she might flip out and think that something might happen. But I had no other choice, I didn't want to lie to her.

"Maybe tomorrow after training, Hange. Captain Levi wanted to speak to me about something." I said.

"WHAT?!? SHORT STUFF ASKED TO TALK TO YOU?!? HE SPEAKS?!?" she was shouting so loud I wouldn't even be surprised if he heard her from his room.

"Hange, it's not a big deal. I'm probably just going to get in trouble like always. But I gotta go now alright? I'll come see Sawney and Bean with you tomorrow!"

I walked out of my room, leaving Hange in there, but still a smile on her face.

"F/N, you better tell me EVERYTHING!"


I walked outside to see the stable light on. It was kind of a far walk but I took my time because I wasn't excited for whatever this was.

Once I got to the stable, I looked around for Levi, but I didn't see him anyway. All of a sudden, I heard a monotone voice coming from above me.

"Cadet L/N. I'm up here you idiot."

I walked to the ladder and climbed to find Levi, sitting on the ground, (of course on his cape, freaking clean freak), with a candle in front of him and a cup of tea in his hand.


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