|family comes first|

Start from the beginning

Wilbur was in Tommy's little yellow covered box that sat under technos house.

He wasn't doing anything in particular, but laying down in the room that Tommy made for him when dream kicked Wilbur out of the sewers. Laying on Tommy's bed that he dragged in there.

Philza was down stairs playing chess with one of the villagers. No expression in sight, on his face.

Techno was mining but stopped. Mentally drained.
Deciding to go back inside. He just to end up staring at the membership bell.

Until a small knock was herd at the door.

Phil looked at the door confused. Who else would be here. But his heart dropped when that thought of dream came in mind.

He opened the door slightly to see a familiar small blonde headed woman standing of the snow shivering, with a puzzled expression on her face.

The second phill let Niki inside. Those tears started to fall. It was silent tears, but the silence was loud.

"Phill thank god your here."

Phill hugged the small girl, comforting her but soon asking her questions.

"What's wrong?..why are you here, did anything happen?"

Phill patiently waited in the hug until he felt her let go.

He sat back down on his seat, making a hand movement to motioning Niki to come over and sit next to him.

"What happend?-"

Phill was cut off abruptly by the girl.

"What about him?..."

Phillza was beyond confused, worried, and felt a familiar wave of sadness wash over him.

"I found him. Ghostinnit."


Phill quickly rose to his feet slamming his hands on the table, startling Niki as tears pricked his eyes but didn't dare to fall from them.

Ghostbur walked in wondering what the noise was and soon even more confused when he saw Niki.


Niki rose and ran over the the dead boy, embracing him in a hug. She missed her friend.

"What going on in here?" Techno asked out of nowhere behind Niki.


Soon they all settled around the table that phill was using to play chess on earlier as they waited for Niki to start saying stuff.

"It's about Tommy-"

Everyone physically tensed at the name.

"I found him. Like he's him but he's not."

"What do you mean?"
Techno was beyond confused.

"He's like- like- a ghostinnit, I don't know how to put it but he doesn't look the same but he does- anyways! I found him and brought him home- he's- hes- h-he's in my bakery sleeping. I found him sleeping in the nether and he- he was sh-shivering and-"

Melancholy||dream smp head-cannon Where stories live. Discover now