|surley not|

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I was falling. That's all I can feel.

The cold wind quickly pulsing against my back as my body fell. But..then out of no where I was caught.

I didn't quite know who it was at first but when I looked up to see who it was I was met with a ceramic mask.

I was frustrated. Reaching up to grab my hair.

"WHY CANT I JUST BE FREE!" I screamed and cried in dreams arms. He just held me. I'm assuming I lost track of time when I was in the tower because it was now raining and dream had a trident.

But why?

Why can I just let go?

Why can it be my time?

The second we got to the ground, dream hugged me.

He. Hugged. Me.

I haven't had human contact like this with someone in a long time.

It felt nice.

We sat there in the ran for what felt like for lever as I cried. It didn't matter if we were soaking wet. He let me cry on his shoulder.

I started to calm down. I went from poorly trying to punch his chest and screaming any burnt that I thought without a second to process it to just loud sobs. I was limp in dreams arms.

The only thing I remember from the night is dream hugging the back of my head and saying three words.

"Don't... do that."

Then it went black.

I woke up back at my tent. I rushed to get up to look at my body. Not a scratch, broken bone, blood. I'm not even see through.

Then I remembered dream. I looked outside tnret and saw no one. Not even ghostbur.

I was mad. Words couldn't even explain. I was so close. So close to letting go.

I went back to my chest and grabbed my pickaxe and wood.

I mined all throughout morning. No food until I found some more iron and lava.

I couldn't eat, or even let myself take a break without getting upset again. I just wanted to be free. Is there anything wrong with that?

One thought was on repeat in my head. Like a broken record player almost. Except it made no sound.

It would be easier to just let go.

A smile grew on my face and I realized onnce I find lava I can be free.

But a few hours later I started to loose hope. Damn. I know I'm a unlucky person and things tend to go wrong for me but why can't thing one thing work. It's the only thing I want right now.

God really won't let me be free will he.
If I can't go home then why can't I be free? This isnt fair god. Why?


I punched a loose wall of rock and gravel to my right. I payed not mind to it but when I saw the light emitting from it I did.

I mined the blocks in front of me as fast as I could to get to that light source.

Maybe god will let me be free.

And of course it was lava.

I crafted a quick crafting table so I valued craft a bucket. I picked it up and happily skipped home.
I was so excited to go home.
I was so excited to fix the broken portal.
Finally, at last.

Melancholy||dream smp head-cannon Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя