Chapter 15: A Price And A Gift

Start from the beginning

That was the last time I spoke during our meal. After I finished eating, the king stood up, although his plate was still full, insisting he wished to retire for the evening with me. I almost gritted my teeth. My, he was persistent. I had no choice though, I couldn’t refuse him.

I didn’t even try to start a conversation, while we walked through the halls, and he didn’t do it either. When we reached the upper level, where my previous room was, I expected him to stop and leave me there, but we went on further. The part of the palace we entered seemed better decorated, with much more complicated and expensive patterns. I felt uneasiness. Where was he leading me? These weren’t his chambers, were they?

I stopped.

“Where are we going?” I asked in demanding tones.

“I am leading you to your chambers.” He replied.

“My room was elsewhere.” I protested.

“And now it is here.”

“Why?” I asked suspiciously.

“That is my wish.” He answered, locking my arm with his other hand and pulling. There was no choice but to follow.

“And where are your chambers?” I wanted to know. I had a bad feeling about the answer.

“Why do you ask? You wish to visit them?” He smirked.

“I wish to avoid them.” I retorted.

“Then perhaps you do not need to know.” He replied, and I looked at him with my mouth open, luckily he was looking the other way. He was flirting with me! Ugh. Help? Anyone?
My prayers have been answered pretty quickly, because right after I thought that an elf approached us, and said something, that clearly displeased Thranduil.

“I must leave you, My Lady.” He said, letting go of my hand. His new way of speaking gave me even more creeps. I tried really hard not to smile happily. Oh, good riddance to him! Somehow I couldn’t imagine him wishing me good night by the door of my bedroom. That would be… disturbing.

The man, that was the bearer of these convenient news led me to my rooms, and left there, to figure out the rest for myself.

I was amazed by the beauty of them, and understood, that my previous accommodations were more like a servant’s than lady’s chambers. The tapestries, the carpet, even the bed covers were the finest kind. My own royal chambers couldn’t even compare. But well, my kingdom wasn’t half that rich.

I saw the dressing table, and looked into a mirror. Gosh, was it me on the other side? Pale, tired and fragile creature who was in real danger of falling into pieces? 

I sat on the bed and sighed. I wanted to sleep so much, but was afraid to dream. However if I continued like this, I was going to faint out of exhaustion.

Ignoring how undignified it would look if anyone saw me, I took off my shoes and crawled into an enormous bed. I wanted to get under the covers, but resigned. That was too much effort. So I just lied there, and slowly fell asleep.

I was in the cave again. I looked around searching for the little girl who was my ring, but found no one.

“Hello? Ring!” I called, and heard a laugh.

“Ring, help. I am so scared. My blood is burning.” I heard her mocking me.

“Oh no, not at all.” I answered sarcastically. “After all it’s completely normal when a part of your body occasionally bursts into flames.”

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