-Hello, yes. Are you calling Y/N? – Taeyang asked as you tried to take your phone away from him.

-Oh, okay. I'm Yoo Taeyang, her husband. Stop calling my wife; she doesn't want to know anything about you. And now, she's living happily with me. If you dare to call again, I'll make sure to put you in your place myself. – Taeyang spoke sternly and then ended the call. He gave your phone back before sitting in front of you.

Shortly, you started to laugh at Taeyang, making him look at you. Immediately, you tried to contain your laughter, but it was impossible after seeing your husband arguing.

-Do you think it's funny? Huh? – Taeyang asked, upset. -Yah! Y/N, I hate that guy, and you didn't tell me that he was bothering you. – He complained while crossing his arms.

-I'm sorry, Taeyang. I honestly apologize, but I only love to see you so protective. – You chuckled before holding his hand. -And yes, I should've told you before. Can you forgive me? – You questioned.

Taeyang nodded before kissing your hand. -Let's go; the car is already here. – He said before both took your luggage and began going to the entrance of the airport.

*Time later – Back home*

When you arrived home, the first thing you wanted to do was to rest on the couch. You left the luggage aside before breathing after a tiring flight, but Taeyang was still anxious about the call he had with your ex. Of course, he asked you to block him immediately. But after that, he didn't stop. Taeyang checked your phone multiple times before coming home, which was funny to see. However, you started to feel worried once you saw him distressed by the confrontation he had through the phone.

Currently, you are sitting on the couch while the speakers are playing some relaxing music. Taeyang is lying down next to you with his head on your thigh. You are stroking his hair while enjoying the slight breeze coming from the door of the backyard.

-Are you feeling better? – You asked.

-Yes. – Taeyang spoke before looking up at you and held your cheek. -I'm sorry for taking your phone that way, Y/N. You know I never do those things, but this time, I couldn't handle myself. – Taeyang sincerely said.

-It didn't bother me. And I understand that you only wanted the best for me. – You assured Taeyang while playing with his bangs. -But don't think about that anymore. We just arrived, and I want you to feel relaxed. – You said while smiling slightly at him.

Taeyang nodded before holding the back of your head and then pulled you closer to give you a soft kiss. After that, he stared at you while enjoying the closeness between both.

-I made the right choice of marrying you. This year has been incredible with all the memories we've made. – Taeyang said, sounding emotional. You giggled before kissing his forehead.

-Handsome, you said that to me all the time back on our trip. But I feel flattered that you wanted me the same way I did. – You said before taking Taeyang's hand.

-I can't stop saying it because I honestly mean it. And I want you to remember those words whenever we fight in the future. – Taeyang admitted.

-We already fight, but we make up in no time. – You pointed out, which Taeyang nodded as a response.

-But we fight over silly things. I believe the only time we had a severe argument was when you came home very late with one of your friends. – Taeyang reminded you.

-Oh, yes! I remember that. – You chuckled, making Taeyang look at you seriously. -I had fun that night. It was the first time I went out with my friends after not going anywhere for five months. – You disclosed.

-Those days you worked so hard on your agency. But it was so confusing when I saw you coming inside the house in the early morning with your friend. And to top it off, you got drunk that night. – Taeyang explained, making you sigh.

-Are we going to fight because of that again? I already apologized. – You said before Taeyang held your cheek.

-No, babe. I won't argue about it. I only mentioned it because I want you to remember that I love you even if we are upset with each other. – Taeyang said before smiling at you. -We vowed to be together, and I'm not planning on breaking that promise. – He said before tucking your hair behind your ear.

-I won't break it either. – You assured Taeyang while blushing slightly. He chuckled before closing his eyes happily, and then you saw the rings on both fingers. It made your heart flutter and remind you how everything started between Taeyang and you. Briefly, Taeyang held your hand and caressed it with his thumb while breathing calmly and enjoying being by your side.


Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the story.

Taeyang's books:

Show Me: Becoming Stronger - Only Season (Completed)

Restless Dusk: Aimless Nights - Season 1/Hwitae story (Ongoing)

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