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I'm going to start from the beginning but first let me introduce myself for those of you who don't know me, which you should unless you've been living under a fucking rock. My name is Y/N L/N and I'm one of the best, no scratch that I'm the best teen Martial arts movie and TV star working in the biz today don't listen to the critics who think I rely on stunts, (Y/N) (L/N) does his own stunts thankyou very much.

I've been in a number of hits "The Lock of the Benovolent Wolf" smash hit "The Gist of my Fist" peak cinema if I do say so myself. I did so well that I even had my own TV show "Strike Force" I was on top of the world, but when your on top some assholes always have to drag you down which brings us to where we are today. 

Present day..

Ah thank you for meeting  (Y/N) the showrunner for your TV show "StrikeForce" said. "No problem Jared" you said sitting down and grabbing one of the Glazed doughnuts from across the table. "So what did you wanna talk about because if it's about the show then I have some real kickass ideas"...

"We're canceling your show (Y/N)"... Not hearing what was said correctly you take off your glasses "Excuse me..... litsen you can't do this Strike Force is the number one show on the network I've given everything to you guys I can't believe your doing this".

"We know and we're really grateful it's just after what happend a month ago with your ex and that party you both threw that led to that hotel burning down, well alot of people on social media started seeing you as problematic and we sort of agree." One of the producers named Katey said.

You scoff at this "So what your gonna listen to some pussy losers on Twitter that probably don't even watch the show." You take a deep breath trying to calm yourself "Look maybe there's something we can work out."

"I'm sorry (Y/N) but there's nothing to work out the networks already voted on this they figure it's best for us to distances ourselves from you." Jared says as he slides your  last check from the show to you.

You take the check and put it in your pocket.
"Now of course you'll still get your royalties from the show as long as you don't talk about what happened here. Katey said sliding you a NDA. You take the paper and look it over before begrudgingly signing it.

"Thankyou we appreciate your discretion" the president of the network said. Biting your tounge you get up "Thankyou for everything" you say before leaving the office .

While you wanted to molly wop everyone in that room and give them the middle finger, you remembered the one most important rule of show business and in life never ever burn any bridges they'd be begging for you back you just needed to find a way to get back in the game.

You come home and throw your keys on the counter. "What's wrong baby your mom said greeting you. "The network fired me saying yOuR pRoBlImAtIc like people watch Strike Force for me." You say pointing to your face. "Aw it's ok it's their loss baby your mom says hugging you.

Your dad soon comes in the room "Hey there's my boy how'd the meeting go "The network fired him" your mom said rubbing your head. "Oh well fuck em you were the face of that network don't sweat it I'm sure your agent can find you plenty of people that want to book you.

  1 week later.....

"What the hell you mean nobody wants to book me don't they know who I am" you say walking outside from the gym while talking to your agent Sebastián you call him Seb for short.

"Litsen (Y/N) no one wants to work with you right now because of the heat that you have and also alot of people don't think that your a legit Martial artist. "Pfft I am a legit Martial artists have they not seen my movies." You say leaning up against your car "They have but their a little to flashy and they don't seem believable to some critics I'm sorry (Y/N) I'll call you when I have something." "Ok fine thanks Seb" you say before hanging up the phone.

You arrive home and call out for your parents and they call you into the dining room. "Hello baby how are you doing" your mom says as you sit down "I'm fine you say smiling so what are you two talking about.

"Well we were thinking it'd be a good idea for us to move to try to distance ourselves from the press and to clear your head.

"Now baby it's totally up to you we can stay if you want" your mom said trying to reassure you that they weren't forcing you to move if you don't want to.

You sit and think for a second "Yeah you know what I think a change of scenery would be good for all of us did you guys have a place in mind for us to go.

"Well your father and I were thinking about moving to the San Fernando Valley their's some really nice houses in Encino that we saw on the internet.

"That's Great you said so when do we leave the sooner the better you say patting the table. "Well I was thinking we can be out of here by this weekend" your dad suggested "That's perfect."

"This good a new beginning for all of us" your mom said as her and your dad got up and engulfed you into a big group hug.

That night you started packing up some stuff to get a head start eager to see what adventures the Valley had in store for you "Watch out Encino ("Y/N) (L/N) is coming for ya....

Cobra Kai Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now