"sooo..." i awkwardly said. "where's your other friends?" asked rob. "gigi, kendall, and bella?" i asked sipping a milkshake. he nodded. "their flight doesn't board until like twelve pm." "does rob like one of them?" johnny elbowed him in the shoulder. rob rolled his eyes and we all laughed.

after breakfast, the plane was starting to board. "mamma kan jag snälla sitta med leo?" (mom can i please sit with leo?) i asked giving my boarding pass to the person at the gate. "nej, du kommer att sitta med mig." (no, you will be sitting with me) "oh my god whyyyy?" i dragged. "tystnad!" (silence!) "mother pleeease?!" i begged shaking her arm. she pulled away rapidly. "jag sa tystnad!" (i said silence!) "uggghhhh!!!" i groaned and she punched my arm lightly. "ow," i whispered.

"what happened?" leo whispered. "she said i can't sit with you. i'm sorry," i shook my head and sighed. "don't worry about it, we'll live," he laughed patting my back. i weakly smiled.

we boarded onto the first class section of the plane. once we were flying, my mother made smalltalk with me which i was not interested in at all. she just talked about the boring weather and what we'd do once we were in paris before the fashion shows.

"delaney lyssnar du ens på mig?" (delaney are you even listening to me?) i shook my head. "gillar du den där pojken?" (you like that boy?) she whispered. "shh. no," i lied. "bra för att du gifter dig med anders oavsett vad som händer," (good because you're marrying anders no matter what) she smirked, purposely trying to annoy me. she knew when i liked someone and she knew i liked leo.

let me elaborate a little on anders. anders is my suitor. a suitor is a man who pursues a relationship with a specific woman, intending on marrying her. yeah. i'm in an arranged marriage. it's common in sweden. i honestly can't stand anders. he's just so square and just has no open mind. he's rich as shit. he tells me what to do all the time. he thinks he's the boss of me. he's basically everything you wouldn't want in a man.

i shook my head and scoffed, plugging the headphones into the tv. i began to watch a movie before shortly falling asleep for almost the entire eight-hour flight, only waking up to eat.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ HÔTEL DE POURTALĖS˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

"anders! hur mår du!" (anders! how are you?!) we walked into the lobby of the hotel, my mother instantly pulling anders into a hug. he was meeting us in paris for the shows. "hej min älskling," (hello my darling) anders came over to me, kissing my hand after greeting mother. i gave him a fake smile and walked away to the reception where my mother was.

once i was in the room, i was informed that anders would be sharing a room with me. and a bed. i gagged. i wanted to call leo, but it looks like i would have to wait to see him in person.

"är du okej? du verkar distraherad," (are you alright? you seem distracted.) anders sat on the bed next to me taking my hand in his. "jag mår helt bra," (i'm perfectly fine) i replied swiping my hand away.

"jag går ner till baren med din mamma. det har varit en lång flygning. kommer du?" (i'm going down to the bar with your mom. it has been a long flight. are you coming?) i shook my head. this would be my perfect opportunity to talk to leo. "ja det är synd. nu går vi," (well that's too bad. let's go) he yanked my arm. i knew that opportunity was too good to be true. i groaned. "låt oss gå och! stå upp din hora!" (let's go! stand up you whore!) he yelled, my hair messed in front of my face.

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