Don't Fuck Around

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Khloe's POV

I walk back into the room.

"Everything good bae?" Kj asks

"This bitch gone hand me 500 dollars," I say

"What?" Ivory asks

"It's cool cause I gave her 42 hours. Add her on the list" I say

"What we got? Janay" I ask wiping my gun off and putting it back in my sweats.

"James Holton. Goes by the name of Jay." She says

"How much does he owe?" I ask

"20" she says

"Thousand!?" I ask

"Yea" she says

"For what and when was this supposed to be due?" I ask

"Product. And he was supposed to give it 4 days ago." She says

"Four- tomorrow night we on him. So be prepared to meet up at 2 to make our plans we going out at midnight. To snatch me he doesn't have our money he has gone." I say

"How much we at so far?" Ask looking back at the ivory and Kj

"345,000" she says

"Either one of y'all got a connect yet?" I ask

"No, building up one." Faith says

I sit down and grind me up some weed. I Roll up my blunt and light it. I smoke vibing and chilling to the music playing.

I sit and get high waiting for ivory and Kj to count all of the money.

"We got a meeting Thursday" Faith says

"How much?" I ask

"300,000" she says

"All for what?" I ask

"Guns and Bullets 7 handguns 4 Mp5 and 2 machines with 500 bullets for each" she says

"Okay, what time?" I ask

" they wanna meet at 4 at one of their warehouses." She says

"Who?" I ask

"The mobs" she says

"It Me Faith and Red went go at 4 o'clock Thursday. Y'all sit around on the other block just in case some shit goes off" I say

"Y'all got that product?" I ask looking over at Destiny and Rico

"We meeting up with somebody tomorrow around 12 before we meet up here I'll text and let you know what it is" he says

"Don't fuck around on me" I say

"We got you just chill." He says

"That's it?" Ivory asks

"Yea" Kj says

"How much" I ask

"900, 768" she says

"Take 300,000 out of it and put it in the duffel bag for Thursday, put the rest in the safe," I say getting up

I walk over to Kj. I lift his chin and kiss him. He kisses me back.

"You leaving?" He asks

"Yea," I say

He stands up over me and hugs me

"I love you" he says kissing me neck

"I love you too" I say hugging back

"Call me when you get home" he says

"Okay" I say

Kavion (Kj) and I have been dating for almost 2 years now. His father and my father were partners and best friends. Other than my parents he was the only person who could keep me in my place.

"When y'all did make sure this door is locked so then hoed won't get in here. I'll see y'all here at 2 for this visit we going to pay mister James Holton" I say grabbing my stuff

"Goodbye" I say leaving

I head home. I walk into Kylie and Jr sitting on the couch.

"I look at my watch it's 3 in the morning why y'all still up?" I ask

"Are you high cause you smell like weed" she asks

"Are you high cause you smell like weed" I say mocking her

"Shut up you in my business? don't do that. Now get up, come on y'all got school tomorrow." I say

"But we're watching tv." She pouts

"Well watch tv in your room please and thank you and I'm not going to tell you again" I say hanging up my keys

They both get up and head upstairs after turning off the tv. I followed behind. We went out separate ways of going to our rooms.

I walking into my black and gold room. I had the second biggest room in the house. It was a two-story. On the first floor, it was my bed, sitting area, and fireplace. On the second floor, it was more furniture with my walk-in closet and my bathroom.

I get into the shower I stand and let the warm waterfall on. I close my eyes letting all of it in.

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