Chapter Two | Evening Greetings

Start from the beginning

"Erm, the Valerian Springs. They're right over here Mr. Malfoy." she said, guiding him over to one of the shelves towards the back of her shop.

Athena handed Lucius the bagged ingredient with a small smile.

"Thank you, Athena," he said with his lip curling, "you know, you're a very talented witch. I've never met a young lady like you with such amazing talent." he stated, his grey eyes fixed on her.

Athena blushed at the complement. She knew that Lucius had ties with the Dark Lord, something that she certainly did not want to get involved with. After all, it was their people who had been responsible for the tragedies in her family. However, Athena had been thinking about what Snape had told her, that Lucius was a truly good man and would've never do such terrible things. She found Lucius very charming, and very handsome despite his rather intimidating appearance. She certainly wouldn't mind getting to know him for who he is, and not for who he is said to be.

Then it hit her, she had a little crush on Lucius Malfoy.

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy." she smiled up at him, with her beautiful green eyes.

Lucius and Athena then began talking about various things, their years at Hogwarts, Lucius' job in the Ministry, and Athena's tragic past. Lucius' heart ached for her, such a sweet girl had almost everything she loved taken from her, and she couldn't do anything about it. He found her rather mature for her age, she impressed him. Lucius would hardly be able to function if he lost his family, and Athena seemed to handle it so well, it truly was a shock to Lucius. You poor girl, you must get lonley, he thought to himself. Lucius realized that he'd been staring for maybe second too long when Athena broke the eye contact and looked away from him. His pale face turned a little red. Athena noticed and tried to hide a smile, she found it kinda cute for such an intimidating man to do something so innocent. You shouldn't be thinking like that, she thought to herself. She felt guilty, she'd only just met the man but something about him made her feel like she'd known him forever. Even after roughly 15 minutes of conversation, she felt so much closer with him.

"You know Athena, you're a very beautiful young lady."  he said his lip curling as she smiled and tucked her long black hair behind her ear at his comment.

"Thank you Mr. Malfoy." she smiled at him. His eyes trailed down her body, her green eyes watching him. Athena was a beautiful girl. She had a beautiful body, long black hair, beautiful jade green eyes and nice facial features, a sharp jawline and chiseled cheekbones.

Lucius then cleared his throat quietly. "I erm, I think your lovely, Athena." he smiled at her, and his grey eyes looked straight at hers.

He's such a beautiful man, she thought to herself. Lucius smirked.

"Thank you Mr. Malfoy," she said, "nobody's ever really told me that before."

Lucius tilted his head. "Is that so?" Athena nodded. "Well then, I'm glad I could be the first." Lucius smiled at Athena.

Merlin he's attractive, she thought to herself. Athena kept forgetting about the fact that Lucius was a Legilimens. She realized what she'd thought but it was too late. She looked at Lucius and he chuckled.

"You really think that Athena?" he asked his gaze on her with a smirk.

"I- I erm.." she didn't know what to say. Her cheeks were growing red with embarrassment and she still couldn't spit out her little confession.

"It's alright darling, use your words." he ordered. Athena looked away, too embarrassed to look at him.  He grabbed her chin and pushed it up, making her look him in his grey eyes. "Now, tell me out loud what you said. Use your words."

Athena was swarming with embarrassment but at the same time, she liked it. "I said I find you attractive, Mr. Malfoy."

Lucius nodded. "Ahh there we go. She admits her little crush." he said with a smirk. He looked rather pleased with himself. Athena blushed and tried to turn away, but his wrist caught hers and her pulled her back towards him. She felt butterflies at his touch. "I'm not finished with you yet. I'd love to take you to dinner Athena."

Athena looked at him, slightly surprised but tried to hide it. "Oh Mr. Malfoy I would love to." She was happy at the thought of it, until that is she considered his wife. Narcissa Malfoy. She wasn't exactly the nicest of people, and the last thing she needed was an angry Narcissa coming after her because she attended dinner with her husband.

Shit, Narcissa will surely come at my throat for this, she thought.

"Do not worry about her. I'm sure she's with another man as we speak." he said, eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"Oh, erm...I'm sorry Mr. Malfoy."

Lucius shook his head and have her a smile. "Don't be, it's neither of our faults she's unfaithful. Im filing for divorce soon. I'm waiting until Draco gets back Hogwarts." he stated. Athena didn't know what to say. "Come to the Manor at 7:15 tomorrow night, don't be late." he said with a smirk.

"Yes Mr. Malfoy." she nodded. Lucius then gave her a smile and waved goodbye, leaving the shop. Athena was swarming with butterflies. After Lucius had left, she closed her shop and relaxed. She had changed into some black sweatpants and a dark green sweater, and hopped in bed.

Athena could hardly sleep that night. Her mind was racing about what she would wear, how she would style her hair and what makeup she would put on. Finally at around 10:40 she was able to fall asleep.


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