《1》 Special Operations Squad

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(Color art by h0pe.lez on insta)

  "Are you serious? Only one...?"

  Erwin peers up from his papers, recognizing the stoic face-- greeted by the male's icy grey eyes. He places the papers down, as the other male walked in with a serious facade upon his face. 

 "That's right...only one," The blonde man acknowledged, "That is why I'm going to put you in charge of her Levi,"

The man by the name of Levi raises his brows, "What? You must have a good reason for you to put a rookie under my watch..." He proceeds to walk over to Erwin's bookshelf and lean slightly on it, his keen eyes never leaving Erwin's.

 "She's ranked top of her class, excelling in both combat and maneuvering the 3d Gear..." Erwin listed, going back to his paperwork from where he left off, analyzing the article. Levi mused at this, now understanding why she was chosen to be in his squad. If she was good during her training then there won't be a problem bringing her along. 

Besides...if Erwin said it was okay, then he will believe in his word.

"What's her name?" Levi inquired, now standing straight from his lean position. Erwin placed the papers down, now looking over from where Levi stood. Erwin began to recall the said girl, her nervous smirk never leaving his memory. She left a strong impression on him, especially since she was the only one that didn't walk away from his speech...Not to mention;

"Me? Die? Don't make me laugh...I will not die....!"

He merely chuckled at the memory, 'No doubt in my mind she will be a valuable soldier...I just know it,' Erwin smiles, making Levi frown slightly by his facade.

"Her name is Eva...Eva Miller---"

---The said girl snorted in her sleep, face planted on her pillow as her body was sprawled all over the bed. She groans when the ray of light from the small window wash over her face, urging her to perk her eyes open from her pillow. Slowly and steadily, the blonde girl lifts herself off from the rather comfortable bed, still half asleep as she tried to adjust herself. 

'Oh, that's right...'  Eva thought, letting out a small yawn before looking around the small cottage-like room, 'I joined the survey corps...' 

 She was unsure how the branch worked, nor was she told at what time she was supposed to wake up. But considering that she was a morning person, her body is used to waking up at 5 in the morning. She lets out another yawn, now up from the bed as she did her best to tidy up the empty cottage. 

 The cottage was rather dusty as there were unused bunk beds and a few wooden boxes stacked in the corner. Considering the bunk beds, there were probably used by other SC soldiers who passed away on the exhibition...which caused this room to be now used as a storage room. She ruffled her blonde locks, fixing a bit of her bed hair...not like it made any difference. 

 "Might as well get ready for the day," She mumbled to herself, now reaching over to grab her loose beige shirt and tossing it aside, the cloth landing on the bed she used. Her toned body shines through the light rays of the sun, her arm muscles flexed as her stomach was layered with a six-pack...all with the help of the training she went through during her stay in the Scout Regiment.

Eva picks up the Survey Corps uniform that was neatly piled on the table that was standing in the middle of the room. Her body engulfed the white dress shirt that fit her perfectly, now proceeding to replace her pants with the matching white pants. She began to put of the belts, silently cursing how complicated they were despite knowing how necessary they were. She adjusted them just the right tightness before reaching to put over the brown high-knee boots. 

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