~Chapter 1~

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Today was your first day of school at a new school. It was lunchtime and you didn't know anyone, so you sat on your own. Your mom had just texted you to come directly home after school because your new neighbors had just moved in and she was having them over for dinner. You sighed and popped in an AirPod when you felt like someone was staring at you. When you turned around, you noticed a boy with spiked up, messy brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a red hoodie and black jeans with red converse. You had to admit, he was kinda cute. You popped out an AirPod and said, "Can I help you?"  "Hey, uhh yeah actually, I'm Kai. I noticed that you weren't sitting with anyone either, so I thought maybe I could sit with you?" he asked you. "Ah, go for it" you responded while putting your AirPod back in. A couple of minutes later, he broke the silence. "So whatcha listening to?" he asked. "F/S," you told him. "That song is FIRE!"(see what I did) he said enthusiastically. "Hah, yea," you said. "So what class do you have next?" you asked him. "I have Geometry," he told you sounding annoyed. "I do too, unfortunately," you continued. His face then lit up. "Hey, at least I have a hot girl in my class," he winked at you. "I really am," you snickered. "You're cocky, huh?" he chuckled. "Hell yeah," you responded. The lunch bell rang, and you stood up. "So, can I get your name?" Kai asked smirking. "Y/N," you responded walking away. "That's a pretty name," he said continuing with his smirk. "I'm aware, thank you," you winked at him. The two of you teased each other the whole way to Geometry. Kai sat right behind you in class and you noticed him staring at you during the class. After the class ended, Kai ran over to your locker. "Soooo... can I get your number?" he said confidently. "Hah, you wish!" you said smirking at him. He looked genuinely disappointed. "I'm just playing dude," you chuckled as you scribbled your phone number on a piece of paper. You handed it to him and walked away. He ran up to you and asked you which bus you were taking home. You told him that your dad was picking you up. "Ohh, right ok," he stood there awkwardly. "I can give you a ride if you don't live too far away," you offered. "No, no, that's fine, my dad just told me that he's on his way here," he told you. "Okay, see ya later then!" you walked away. "Bye Y/N!" he called out. 

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