59: A Change of Heart

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A week has passed since the incident on the Evangs company. He didn't give up his position which made him walking on a tight rope. A lot of board members pulled out their shares including mine. Their mother company is now declared on bankrupt. They are trying to secure an investor and board members but no one wants to risk their money.

Me on the other hand. Focus on finishing my resort. Even on weekends I don't have time to go home to Manila. So my family is already missing me. I only have a month to finish this project.

It's late night and I haven't got dinner. There are a lot of paperworks to sign in Lion X Machina sabayan pa nitong resort ko.

*knock knock knock

"Come in." Isabel

"I heard you haven't eaten dinner?" Jhoana

"Wow, didn't expect you'll be here on a Monday night. I'm sorry there's a lot in my plate right now baby. I don't think I can afford a quick dinner right now." Isabel

"I'm sorry if di ako nakakapagmessage sayo, I got pre-occupied with the new project. Why are you tiring yourself? You're the boss. You hold your time right? You can ask someone to do that? Right?" Jhoana

"No baby sorry. I can't just let someone handle this. This is an important matter to me lalo na kay Selina." Isabel

"Selina? What did she have to do with this?" Jhoana

"You know naman na she's my investor baby." Isabel

"But why? Why do I feel like you're ignoring me for that past few days?" Jhoana

"I'm not, busy lang talaga ako baby. Wag ka na magalit." Isabel

I dropped all of the things that I'm holding to hug her.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel that way. Let me just finish this today and you'll have my full attention." Isabel

"You said it too last time but you ended up taking another task and lagi na lang kayo magkasama ni Selina." Jhoana

"I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to make you feel that way. It's just work love, nothing more and besides kasama naman namin si Bianca and Thirdy. Don't be jealous, sayo lang uuwi." Isabel

She's now silent and give me a hug too.

"Nakukuha mo talaga ako sa paganyan ganyan mo. Let me just get us some food okay? You need to eat. I won't take a no for an answer." Jhoana

"Yes ma'am let me just prepare the table." Isabel

Jhoana left me on my study room slash office.

Actually, I have been avoiding her. Because it's been weeks but she hasn't break up with Nico. I'm still waiting for her as we speak. I'm trying to fill all my attention with these work related paper para hindi kami mag-away about it. Because the seconds na mabakante ang isip ko, kakainin ako ng utak ko about sa amin dalawa ni Jhoana.

Ate Ells told me that Jhoana said that she's working on it. Everytime she asked her. I believe her tho but I haven't seen any progress.

Even on some weekdays or weekends she's not here. There's nothing much to supervise that's why she even taking up other projects. I get it, it's work. But sometimes I feel like she's just using it as an excuse to go to Nico.

I know maybe I'm being paranoid here but there's nothing change between them. Not that I'm threatened about it, I trust Jhoana, I trust her that she'll choose me this time. But why does it seems na she's not doing anything about it.

Irreplaceable YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora