Taking the card from Aizawa's hands, Katsuki stared at the imprinted phone number in confusion. "What's this, Sensai?"

"It's a therapist number. If you ever need to book an appointment, please let your parents know. I'm worried for you, Bakugo."

Katsuki looked back at the numbers. Holding up his head, he gave his teacher a warm smile.

"I'm sorry for w-worrying you so much! But thank you for the card. But I won't be needing it! I have friends that I can talk to!" Placing the card carefully down on his teacher's podium, he gave one last smile, before silently escaping his teacher's worried expression.

Kirishima watching as Katsuki scurried out of the classroom. Furrowing his eyebrows, he soon left in the opposite direction.


"You slut," Thrown against the back of UA's wall, a punch was delivered to Katsuki's left cheek. "You slept with him to get out of presenting didn't you?!"

Screaming and punching the boy, Uraraka continued degrading him as Todoroki and Iida stood guard.

"I-I didn't do anything!" A kick to the jaw earned a coughing fit of blood. Uraraka only getting angrier by the minute. Pulling his collar to meet with her eyes, Katsuki's head bobbed around.

"Your nothing but a cumslut bitch!" Before Uraraka could deliver a final punch towards the ebony-haired boy, a fist caught into her's. Looking up, she saw Todoroki.

"What the hell man—" Before she could finish, Todoroki spoke up.

"I heard some teachers coming. Let's just let him bleed." With that, the three each gave a final kick towards Katsuki, before running away from the crime screen.

Leaving behind an unconscious bloodied Katsuki.


Gawking around the classroom, Aizawa took into account that Katsuki was missing. He was usually never late, besides a couple of times. But 10

With a slight off like feeling, Aizawa held his breath. Contemplating a certain idea in his mind. "Talk among yourself, I need to make a phone call."

With the class' volume growing louder, Aizawa stepped out, his phone clutched in his palm. Rushing towards the teacher's lounge, he carefully opened the door. Being met with All Might savoring his coffee by the table.

"Greetings Eraser Head! What brings you here during class time?" He asked, accepting another sip of his coffee while giving his full attention towards Aizawa.

"I need to see a student's file." Strolling towards the file cabinets placed among the opposite wall, he quickly found the B's section. Ripping the cabinet open, he started to navigate through the files.

"I see, what seems to be so urgent?" All Might asked once again, Aizawa bringing out a beige folder labeled "Katsuki Bakugo."

"I'm informing his parents about his behavior." Pulling out his emergency information, he placed the rest of the folder down on the table. All Might taking a subtle glance at it.

"I see. So this kid is some sort of trouble maker." All Might assumed, Aizawa punching the mystery numbers into the phone.

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