CHAPTER 1 - Court

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Imperial Court
Emperor Yuwen Hong

In the majestic imperial Court filled with golden pillars, and dragon statues supporting structure. At the front, above the dragon stairs, was a dragon throne resting at the highest podium. Behind it is a screen covering the phoenix throne specially designed for the Empress dowager whenever she attends court.

Everyday, officials of Shang in their green, red and purple official robes, attended the court to submit reports and discuss state matters with the Emperor. Today was no exceptions

"General Hai, you'll handle the matter of the bandits tormenting the people of the Eastern border, Commander Gu will accompany you. You'll set off now to start organizing your troupes and leave in three days time" Emperor Yuwen Hong of Shang decree as the two young officials knelt and accepted there decrees, both strong, courageous and hot blooded, ready to serve there country at anytime.

"What's the next matter for today" Yuwen Hong asked, picking up the next report from the eunuch holding official reports.

He opened it and read as the right Prime Minister Mo stepped forward to report. He was a short skinny, elder with grey hair lining he's black. He had a mustache and a long goatie and he's eyes shined with barely concealable greed and ambition.

"May he's Majesty live a thousand years" he bowed down and greeted before continuing. "Your Majesty it's been five years since the late Empress Fang, the country has grieved and we officials understand he's Majesty's sorrow, however the late Empress left behind no heir and the inner harem is almost empty. This official shall be bold to beg that he's majes....." He's speech was cut off as the Yuwen Hong closed the report and said.

"An unnecessary matter, next report".

All the officials exchanged look with each other. Although they hadn't been too surprised because the Emperor and the late Empress had been childhood sweetheart and after her death he had been heartbroken and brushed aside any matter of adding women into the harem. But it had been five years now and there nation was without an Empress or an heir. They had at least expected him to think of expanding he's harem if he wasn't ready to take a new Empress, but he just brush the matter aside like it was dust on the windowsill.

"This year, there was no winter hazard in the north. A good news but their is probably going to be a scarcity of food soon. We'll have the Treasury take out some grains to supply to the north. Who'll escort and protect the goods on the way? Hmm anyone?" Yuwen Hong asked but the whole court was dead silent, even a needle would be heard if it was dropped.

He frowned. "Fine since zhen's fine officials won't volunteer then when will pick himself" he said sarcastically. "General Lui should escort the grains to the north in four days time"

Still no answer.

He scanned all he's officials who had their head lowered and he knew today there was no way anyone was going to let this matter pass.

"What you don't want to accept the decree" he asked in a cold chilly voice making general Lui drop to he's knees and reply

"This official doesn't dare, it's just that...."

"Just that what" he asked coldly.

"This lowly official hopes that he's Majesty listens to Prime Minister Mo has to report" General Lui completed.

"Zhen has already listened and has deemed it unimportant and unnecessary" Yuwen Hong replied.

"Your Majesty!" General Lui said "your majesty has ruled wisely for seven years and has helped in propagating the prosperity of Shang, but you're majesty also within this period hasn't had any news of a heir neither has your Majesty said anything about expanding your harem. Although now no border countries haven't made any moves, but if they notice that your Majesty has no intention of expanding the harem and bringing in new heir then they'll eventually revolt. Your Majesty this nation needs a heir to stabilize your court. Your Majesty please reconsider and expand your harem"

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